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pardon me, as I eat my words...

Last Monday I had 17 tabs open on the top of my computer. Saving recipes, future art projects, blog posts I really enjoyed. And my favorites column on the side of my computer is complete madness. Over 100 things bookmarked that I hope to bake, make, organize, duplicate etc...

The next day I went to make sugar cookies with Lisa and Sara and we started talking about Pinterest.

I have forever said I would not go there. I was certain it was a black hole time suck and that I would never, ever get out if I stepped foot in that lovely land that everyone raves about.

But then I started looking around a bit, and I realized this: Pinterest is like Computer Organization. There is finally a home for all of those posts I have marked in my favorites column. Essentially, Pinterest provides a labeled tupperware tub for various online ideas. And you know how I love me a labeled tupperware tub.

And so this is how I am justifying my leap into the land of Pinterest. Sounds good doesn't it? Justification is always an interesting thing. Truth be told: It has been a black hole time suck. But actually, not that black. It's a super colorful, inspired time suck. And I'm smitten.

So watch me eat my words. My apologies to all of you that I gave my monologue to about my plan to look but not touch. I'm all in.

And if you want to see my boards (is that even what you say? I don't know the lingo yet...) you can check me out at  and follow all of my colorful finds.

loopty loop

I'm a silent laugher. I once was home sick from middle school and spent the day practicing a loud laugh. It wasn't pretty. But I wanted a loud laugh that badly. Instead of a loud laugh, the funnier the moment the more silent I become, with full body shakes and tears to accompany my silence.

I may not have a loud laugh, but my son got one. And it's awesome. Excuse the yogurt on his face. He is sitting between me (with the camera) and Rory (that's who he's looking at) after supper. I told him, "I think I know someone who is going to sleep well tonight. Because he's getting loopy." And when I said loopy, Ivar absolutely fell apart. Then I threw in loopty loop and he went nuts. Believe it or not, this video is the very end of his fit of giggles.

Have I told you I call him my Joy Boy?

marriage care

On Tuesday night I was asked by a friend, "do you and Rory ever fight?" The question made me laugh out loud. Yes. Yes we do fight. But I am never afraid of our fights. We work through them, they blow over, I get a good nap, we forgive and we're both good talkers.

Most important, we are both committed to work at our marriage. Because it is work. And worth every effort we put into it.

From an early age my mom used to tell me that she and my dad went to marriage counseling when I was two years old and that it was the best thing they ever did for their marriage. They were in the beginning stages of planting a mission start congregation and were confronted with a lot of hard stuff all at once.

As a result, I've never felt any stigma attached to seeking help for your marriage. Seeking help and guidance is going to be inevitable. I got married under the assumption that Rory and I would utilize counseling at some point. Not because we were that rocky from the start, but because that's just what married couples do. In fact, when I asked mom if I could share this story on my blog, her comment was, yes, of course, I actually really wish your dad and I had done more counseling at different seasons of our marriage.

Rory's folks are always encouraging us to attend every conference, seminar, workshop, or any offering that will help us build a stronger foundation. Because they, too, know that a good marriage does take time and effort and intention and there is always room to grow closer.

So, having said all that, our church is hosting a marriage conference. Just a Friday night and Saturday morning (April 27th and 28th), $39 per couple and the speakers are solid. Solid. I really can't wait.

The conference is called Good Love and you can find out all the details by clicking here. Look around the site, find yourself a babysitter, and grab that love of your life and come work on your marriage. I hope to see lots of you there!

quote of the day

This is a happy picture of Rory and I to offset the following conversation.

Becca: I really miss those lilacs we took out last spring.

Rory: Yeah, but the fence will go right where they were. They really did have to go.

Becca: I just wish we could have kept them.

Rory: Yeah. But wait. Do you even remember how all last summer and fall you kept at me to take them out? You were relentless. And now you're telling me you're sad that they're gone? We still have an entire hedge of lilacs.

(long pause)

Rory: Do you have any idea how hard it is to be married to a woman?

(longer pause)

Rory again: Is it so hard to be a woman?

and can you feel the love tonight?

Our cat Toonces, and our son Ivar have a very affectionate relationship. Every morning they greet each other this same way. I am pretty sure these pictures determine Ivar as the dominate species. Toonces never puts up a fight, though he will look at me after a while as if to say, "I'm a good cat. Now get me out from under this kid."
The two of them have adventures together. So many that it makes me relieved we have another human playmate on the way for Ivar. Afterall, meow is Ivar's best animal sound. Here on the ottoman Ivar is drumming on the side, and Toonces is trying to swat at his hands. After this they crawled into the bathroom where Toonces jumped in the tub and Ivar threw balls all around him...and at him.
And then later in the day, when they were reunited after nap time, they resumed their snuggle position. It always makes me start singing the Lion King, "can you feel the love tonight?" And to answer that lyric... I can. I really can.