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art house and andi ashworth

Last Thursday, Troy and Sara hosted their first Art House North event. I am so excited about this new chapter they are beginning. They have moved their family into the smallest house I've ever been in, in order to purchase the church that is now the Art House.

Art House North is an offshoot of the Art House in Nashville, founded by Charlie Peacock and Andi Ashworth. Charlie and Andi are married, and my assumption is that Peacock is a stage name. Charlie has produced a lot of Sara's music and this couple has been hugely influential in how Troy and Sara approach their ministry, marriage, family and the art of weaving these callings together into a seamless life.

Sara gave me Andi's book, Real Love for Real Life for Ivar's baby shower and it was the first book I read after Ivar was born while nursing. I have sweet, sweet memories of one arm holding Ivar and the other trying to turn the pages of this book in the wee hours, reading by the soft light of the lamp covered in a baby blanket.
The book is all about living into our role as caregiver. To celebrate this call, to recognize the importance of caring for your neighbor, meeting the needs of your family, as well as caring for yourself, your passions, your dreams, your hopes. It is beautifully written and I believe I dog eared every other page because I didn't have a free hand to highlight.

I feel so grateful for this book. The timing was perfect for me when I read it. As a new mom I had a whole new life that was forming around me. I felt raw but open. And as I read this book I took hold of this vision and felt so secure in my new role of caring for this baby, caring for myself, creating a home for my family, caring for our neighbors, keeping an open heart.

On Thursday night, Andi and Charlie spoke at the Art House and told their story of intentional creative living, imaginative dreams and hopes, the art of a seamless life no matter who you are with and what you are doing. I was able to talk to Andi after and tell her how this book shaped my calling. It was a real privilege.

If you're looking for a good read. A book that may help set a new direction or a book that will surely help you create an imaginative vision, go get Real Love for Real Life by Andi Ashworth.

And if you're looking for some really great, thoughtful articles on artful living, check out anything Andi has written on the art house america blog.

20 weeks!

This pregnancy has been covered in a cloud of sickness. And I'm so sick of it! I am sick of my pre-recorded answer that replays out of my mouth every time someone asks, "how are you feeling?" I am sick of my own voice. I am sick of saying, "well, I'm still on the zophran, and the moment I stop taking it I end up hovering over the toilet again. bla bla bla."

I think I'm so tired of this conversation because I am realizing I am actually choosing what to dwell on. It is my choice. I decide what words to say, and I'm bored of myself.

To be fair, there were really, super low moments when I had to tell people. I had to let people know just how sick I was feeling because I just needed people to know I was in that dark of a valley. But things have gotten better, my energy has been up, I feel kicks all the time and though I still have to take this sweet miracle pill called zophran, there is JOY TO BE HAD! We are having another baby! And my belly is stretching like all get out. I have had the round ligament pain again, and uffda that is a feeling like no other. But it's all signs that my body is doing what it's supposed to.

And so with the next 20 weeks, I am choosing to play a new record. This record is going to tell about the excitement and wonder of it all, the joy and anticipation, my awesome cravings for brucetta, using a hair tie to make my pre-baby pants stretch another week or two, and the sloppy raspberry kisses Ivar gives to the baby (via my soft belly). So far these kisses always end with the three of us in a pile of laughter and tears. They are so sloppy, wet and loud.

So baby #2, welcome! We are thrilled you are coming.

Next week we have our ultrasound...because I was confused as to what week I was when I scheduled the appointment, we have to wait an extra week!

Here's a pic of me at 20 weeks with Ivar :)

Ivar and walking

Well, Ivar and Walking don't go together yet. He'll be 16 months on Thursday, and he's still quite content to crawl around. He does like to stand on his own now so his balance is there and he loves to walk with he's well on his way.

Truly, 97% of the time I am not worried at all about this. But 3% of the time I get nervous when the 29th person that day has asked, "is he walking yet?!!"

In Mesa there was a large in stature old man who commented that "Ivar was a good sized kid." He asked if he was walking yet and then replied, "My mom used to tell me I was 22 months before I took my first steps. And you know, I've been walking fine ever since, no problem."

My dad told me of this exchange and right then I decided I will not officially worry about Ivar and his walking until he's 22 months. Which is September 1st. And then I will worry.

Rory got the footage above of Ivar using his walker to push the cat around. Oh I hope this makes you grin as big as it made me smile.

living on this...

This picture made my Best Of 2011 list, and here's why.

I get sad when summer is over and berries and watermelon go out of season. But last winter I put together the above fruit salad and proceeded to eat it nearly every day. I was breastfeeding Ivar then and would eat an entire banana, a whole orange and whole kiwi in one sitting.

And I'm back at it again. There is something perfectly simple about this trio...tart kiwi, sweet banana, and good oranges. It's the perfect combination for me and makes me feel like I can make it to watermelon, raspberry, blueberry and strawberry season again.

an update on my thrifty father

You might remember my last visit to Mesa, when my dad came up with his own solution to fixing the existing patio furniture without having to purchase a brand new set. I am happy to report the tape is still holding, the pink is still vibrant and they make for a comfy seat.

But I have more to report. Dad has been typing up notes again too. Historically these notes have been found mostly in the guest bathroom at their house, serving as public service announcements asking guests to kindly turn on the fan before they shower and to limit their showers to five minutes in an effort to reduce moisture and to help the Harrington's save water.

And then in Mesa, I found this note on the oven:
It reads, "Caution! Oven Door Drops Like A Rock!" And it does. It is fair warning. But obviously I had to get out my camera.

And to make my life complete, he came out of the bedroom one night and said, "Hey Becca! Your dad is so cheap that when he needed a v-neck tshirt in Mesa, he just made his own!"

I told him to smile for the blog.
**My dad just called after reading this post and would like to be sure everyone understands: He was able to pay for his three kid's college educations, weddings, pay off his house in Minnesota and vacation in Arizona each year because of his thrifty ways. You would all be wise to make your v-necks and patio furniture to ensure a secure future for yourselves.