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the nuts and bolts of my Kitchen Table

Within the last week, I have had a meal on the table six out of the seven nights. One of those nights Rory put the food on, and another night I was too sick to make anything and getting myself to the table wasn’t really an option.

I’d say a really solid start.

After a week I have a few plans that I hope to stick by:
1. Meal is on the table by 5. This is so early, I know. And yet we eat lunch around 11 at this house and by five there are three hungry bellies to be filled. We started out at 5:30, but Ivar wouldn’t have it. So we moved up our suppertime.

2. I keep my laptop off of the table now. The kitchen table is no longer able to be the catch-all place. I try to keep it relatively clear throughout the day. This helps when it's time to set it and fill it with food.

3. The meal doesn’t have to be homemade. Hopefully one thing on the table is, but there just needs to be a meal on the plate. That’s the goal. The night Rory cooked we had sausage, eggos and strawberry's. It was very nice.

4. Coborn’s Delivers. More on this another time, but let me tell you, I adore this service. After a terrible experience involving me and Cub and a gagging spell and hitting a wall of exhaustion so hard I thought I’d curl up under my cart in the cereal aisle, I decided to look into this grocery delivery service. We’ve had four deliveries so far and all I can say is that it still feels too good to be true.

5. My four week meal menu. I have had so many people contact me with great meal planning ideas, great recipe websites, even their own excel spreadsheets (thanks Marie!). I find much comfort knowing that lots of others need a system for meal prep too. I listed out all of the meals our family enjoys and set up a weekly calendar with a food-type for each day the week. So far, week one was a complete success. We're now on to week two. I'm not strict about what we eat each day, but this calendar is so helpful as a place to start! (On a few days I use the slash to list two different options, one that might take more time along with an easier option.)

So that’s the plan. I’m sure I’ll modify it as we go along, but until then, I’m so happy to be feeding my family!

our little israelite

Ivar has learned two new words this week: more and banana, which he pronounces, "nana"

But today he morphed the two words together and now, when he wants more food, he yells from his high chair, "Manna! Manna!"

And you know, food always shows up on his tray. Like it just rained down from the sky.

creative juices are flowing again!

I have been blog browsing lately. A dangerous pastime that usually ends up in a lot of time passing me by. But I have been feeling a little burst of creativity lately, and that feels really, really good. At this point I'm just taking in a lot of ideas, not sure where I'll begin. But in the process of surfing I found one new site that I ADORE. Can't get enough.

Check out Modern Parents, Messy Kids. The pictures above are from that site. The page I am linking to is all sorts of fun projects to do with kids. Makes me want to get crafty again so badly. It has been so long!

Second, this site called Organic Families was up on my computer when I sat down tonight. I think Rory must have been looking something up for his garden, but I love this post I'm linking too. A system for teaching your kids how to pick up after themselves. It's pretty brilliant.

And finally, I stumbled upon Cluck, Cluck, Sew and have been bitten by the quilt bug. Actually, it bit really hard this time. I've already been to two speciality fabric stores and am cleaning the table in the basement so I can set up shop down there. Can't wait to try my hand at a little wall quilt.

And you? Have you been inspired lately?

a little heartbeat

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A life has been growing in me for the past 12 weeks.
Sometimes I forget this. I don’t forget that I’m not feeling well, but I do forget that the reason I feel crummy is because a little heart is beating in me and fingers are separating and eye sockets are forming and reflexes are starting to develop.

With Ivar I was so aware of every new change happening inside. I daydreamed and wondered and sat in awe of all that was to come.

Now, with a one year old to chase, this pregnancy continues to take me by surprise. Like yesterday, Rory and I sat at my obgyn and they gooped up my belly and we heard a steady, strong heartbeat. It was as joyous as seeing my positive pregnancy test. Sort of surprised me in the same way. That’s right! We are having another baby!

So to all of the baby #2’s out there who fear you were sort of lost in the shuffle. You may very well have been. The second is totally different than the first, even 12 weeks in. But the joy is the same. And the anticipation and excitement when it does come, is very, very real.

Best of all baby-to-be, you have a big brother who never forgets you are coming. Every time I get Ivar out of his crib, he reaches for my shirt, lifts it up, sticks his finger in my belly button and says, “baby.” I am pretty sure he thinks belly buttons are called babies but I’m not going to correct him anytime soon. It’s the best reminder that life is growing, a brand new heart is pumping and we have a little life working really hard inside of me getting all set to join our family.

my kitchen table theme song

Sara wrote this song while doing the dishes. The song is about all of the daily tasks to be done, only to be undone and then done again the next day. Setting up the Pins is about deciding to either resent those tasks or embrace them. "You can find joy in the fertile ground" is the line that rings true for me.

I adore this video. Though you'll note Rory and I are the only family members missing for the family supper. We lived in Omaha and couldn't get back. But just know a little part of me dies every time I see it. #1 because I missed my opportunity to be in a music video and #2 because...well, I missed my opportunity to be in a music video.

It makes me grateful we live in Minnesota again. And are available for music videos.

And if you have a minute be sure to watch this video too. It's great storytelling and song writing.

Okay, I just keep coming across more good Sara video's on Youtube. Be sure to watch this one too.