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My church turned 30

My parents were called to start a church 30 years ago. Thirty years later, that little seed has grown into a mighty congregation full of life and faith and service to our God. It's probably the coolest thing I've gotten to be a part of. I've been reflecting on the role this church served in my life, and it's huge. Really huge.

We had a celebration last night at Shepherd of the Valley. A trip down memory lane with lots of pictures and stories of days gone by when the church was much smaller...when I was much smaller. It was an awesome night filled with music and laughter and catch-up conversations with old friends. So much to be thankful for.
My dad asked me to speak, which I always love. Especially when I get to tell stories about the church that made me. Here's what I said:

All my life I’ve been asked if I like being a pastor’s kid. And the answer to that question has always been an easy one for me. I adore being a pastor’s kid. There are perks with this role that I’ve never taken for granted. For example, I always knew where the tins of hospitality shortbread cookies were stashed. And I utilized this knowledge. Often.

I also had full access to the Christmas costumes, so that when I decided to be Little Bo Peep in 3rd grade for Halloween, I was able to complete my costume with a shepherd’s staff.

But there is a part of being a pastor’s kid that is a bit unnerving. And it happens on Sunday morning in churches around the world. Pastor’s Kids are listening closely to the sermon, wondering if their parent is going to drop their name, and if so, what damaging story is about to be told.

Now to be really honest, there was a season in my life when I was eager to be a sermon illustration. I would ask Dad early in the week what the gospel was for that weekend. And I would respond casually, “Oh the feeding of the 5,000? Have I ever told you about the time I…”

But it was the unexpected stories that you had to be ready for.

I was 16, and on a Friday after school I went to Lifetime Fitness in Eagan to workout. I was going straight to a dance at Rosemount high school and got ready at the club but stopped by Subway to get supper before going to the dance to meet up with my friends. When I got there I decided just to eat in a booth instead of in the car. But as I ate my sub a group of peers walked in.

That night after the dance, I went into my parent’s room and told them how strange it is to feel so fully confident, but then to worry so much about what you look like from the outside. I knew I had plans. I knew I had a fun night. But I still just felt so dumb.

The next night I was sitting with the High School Praise team at the Saturday night service. Dad was telling of mountaintops and valleys in our everyday lives. He told about my sister Annika who was traveling in Thailand at that time and how each day brought adventure and excitement and something new.

Then he transitioned to his daughter Rebecca…
who had just learned the loneliness…
of eating alone at Subway…
on a Friday night.

Can you imagine?! I died. I was sitting with friends. Kendra Rick was buckled over in laughter. She thought this was the funniest thing she had ever heard.

That was 15 years ago, and I guess I just wanted to take this time to clarify on this, the 30th anniversary of Shepherd of the Valley, and be sure you all knew that I had plans that night. Ok? Okay.


The night was so fun. Can't get over how powerful it is to relive your roots, remember your history, and celebrate all God has done in all of our lives.

If you missed the night, there are tons of pictures on flickr and are so fun to see. I identify so strongly with the growth of this church. The picture below is when the church and I turned four.

ivar's first birthday

We celebrated Ivar's birthday in grand style. I came up with the theme pretty easily as Ivar's favorite thing is pretty obvious. When I get him out of his crib in the morning he looks at me, smiles and says, "ball." When I ask him if he'd like more ham and cheese he replies, "ball." When we go for walks around the neighborhood he lights up with every pumpkin sighting, "ball!" He gets downright slaphappy in the produce section...all the balls...the onions, apples, melons, tomatoes, potatoes, plums and peaches, lettuce, grapefruit. Balls everywhere.

So we had a ball party. Singular. And it was good, good fun.

Our menu was simple: meatballs, baked potatoes, peas, grapes, buns, a cheeseball and cake pops. Lisa made the cake pops and they were awesome. I got a cake for free at Byerly's just by bringing in Ivar's birth certificate. The plan wasn't originally to give him the entire cake, but the family gathered insisted we let him go for it. So we did.
Mimi and Papa won the prize for best dressed. The invite asked for polka dots and they came dressed to party. It was awesome. And Toby wore his dog named Polkadot taped to his body. I was so excited to see Polkadot again...I hadn't seen him since I used to tuck him into bed with Toby when I'd babysit him as a baby. It was like an old friend surprising us for a visit
I'll share more on the games we played and the decorations I made. It was a homemade party and so super fun. Ivar is so blessed by all of his family. He was born into two fun groups of people and that was very obvious at his first birthday party.

the neighbor party

We had the neighbors over for carrot cake and cream cheese frosting to celebrate Ivar's birthday on the actual day. We feel so blessed by our neighbors. And Ivar put on a sweet show of enjoying his cake, giving lots of smiles and enjoying the new toys he was generously given. He's especially into giving big sloppy kisses to stuffed animals. A very entertaining part of our lives.

groves in costume

Lisa had us over for Halloween supper this year before we all went back to our neighborhoods to trick-or-treat. I went as a doctor who gives epidurals, my favorite Halloween treat of all time. Rory put his costume together literally as we we were walking out the door. I opened the coat closet at said, "well, you could go as a snowman..." Sara and Ruby were Peter Pan and Tinkerbell, Kirby was an i-pad and Toby was Facebook. Troy was the abominable snowman, which as quoted by Ruby, "I don't even have to be scared of, because I know it is just my dad inside." Lisa made Josie's whoppers costume. She's a different candy every impressive.

We took Ivar trick-or-treating and it was awesome. He seemed confussed by the event, but I was excited and so pleased at the candy we took in! We came home and played Carcassonne (a new favorite game) and ate candy until I got a tummy ache. The perfect end to a great halloween.