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canning 101, part 1

I've been sitting on these pictures for quite some time (since June) but have been wanting to post about a new skill we have acquired: canning.

First though, a story. All of this rhubarb came from Mom and Dad Groves. From an enormous rhubarb plant that someone planted on the side of their house without asking their permission. That someone was me. And I did it in haste when we were housesitting for them and my mom brought over a rhubarb plant for my house. Unfortunately we were moving to Alexandria the next day and I didn't have time to drive to Minneapolis to plant it in my own yard. Not wanting it to waste, I decided to dig up my inlaws yard instead.


But somehow in the mix of moving, I forgot to tell them that I had dug up their woodchips and planted a large and growing leafy fruit (or vegetable? What is rhubarb?!!). It wasn't until the next year that, while the family was gathered, Mom Groves asked if anyone had any idea where this large plant had come from. And then I remembered that I had forgotten to tell her.

Thankfully she's a good sport and even lets us harvest from the produce-I-planted-without-permission. :)
Now you'd be surprised. Canning is not all that tricky. My bff Heidi let me in on this secret. In my head canning was a huge process that required hours and hours, patience and precision. And maybe this is still all true, but its just not all that complicated. It is a process, and it does require some patience and it does take time, but it's not really super hard. 

Don't count on the following as a complete tutorial. If you're looking for the nitty gritty I'd recommend the Getting Started Guide on the Ball fresh preserving site. It's got pictures and spells out each step in great detail.

But in an effort to debunk the difficulty of canning, let me show you my pictures.
First, you don't need a huge kitchen to can. It might be nice, but it's not necessary. It is necessary that keep everything organized though. As is true with everything, it's more fun and less stressful if you have a nice system in place.

The jars need to be clean and then really, really hot. Some do this in the dishwasher, but this flat skillet worked like a charm for me with the boiling water steaming up the insides of the jars.
I got this handy mcdandy canning gadget kit from Walmart for $6. Every tool in blue that you see was included (the jar grabber, funnel for filling, magnetic lid majigger, and head space measure thingy)
Meanwhile, the lids need to be simmering so they are hot and ready to seal.
Using the funnel you fill your hot jar with your hot food to be canned. Each recipe will tell you how much "head space" to leave. Most of the time it's just 1/2 inch of air at the top.
This magnetic grabber is similar to that fishing game where you have a magnetic pole and try to catch the plastic chomping fish who open and close their mouths as they circle round and round. It's good to find the grown up version of toys you love.
Then you wipe the rim, ensuring no food got in the seal, and screw down the ring (which is not hot so your fingers will not get burned.
You put your cans in the water, making sure they are covered by at least one inch of water. Each recipe tells you how long to boil them, how long to let them rest without any heat. Then you take them out of the water, set them on a towel and wait for the sweetest sound of your life.

The ping of success.

Each jar's lid will ping if it has been sealed correctly. When I first got instructions on how to do this my Aunt Annie said you'll keep track of how many pings you hear. I didn't believe her. How would I keep count of all 12 cans if some of them ping right away and others not for an hour or so?

But guess what? You do. Because they are like your little babies now, and you're proud of them and somehow you do keep count all night long and you say excited things to your husband when he comes in the house like, "We've got NINE pings!"

Of course, if you do lose count, you can also check them. If the lid clicks up and down then it didn't ping (which means it didn't seal properly) and then should be eaten within the next few days. But so far, I've heard that sweet sound for every jar I've canned.

I think the greatest trick is this: don't be afraid of canning in small batches. I have canned three times this summer/fall and none of it felt overwhelming. My Aunt Louie cans enough to feed Martin County, and I may get there. Hennepin County has a lot of mouths to feed though, so it might take some time. But until then, as a newbie, start small. It's still seriously satisfying.

Secondly, the bigger challenge in canning is that you are basically prepping a whole recipe AND THEN going through the process of canning. I think it might be smart to split it into two days. Make your sauce and then reheat it the next day for the canning. It's the cooking and canning in the same day that makes it a process. Either task on its own is not that huge of a deal.

Hope you're enlightened. We are so fortunate to have a grocery store with all the canned goods we could ever want. Can you imagine our grandmothers canning to ensure enough food for the winter?!! Now that would be stressful! But this is fun and empowering. Give it a whirl sometime.

a big catch up

Rory and Ivar dressed alike for church yesterday. It was adorable. And then when we got to church, Rory's dad was wearing the exact same thing. There were pictures taken on phones, but my camera was out of battery (you've got to be kidding!). You'll have to trust me, it was even more adorable.

I also got a picture taken yesterday because this is the last time you'll see me in this sweet little dress. The zipper broke while I put it on, and I was stuck in it until later in the afternoon when Rory used a pliers and a whole lot of brute force to force the zipper back down. It was a cute dress, but it's time to turn it into a pillow or something now...
So October! I am ready for you! I am ready to slow down my life a bit, rake some leaves, decorate with lots of pumpkins and prepare for the blow-out party of the year: Ivar's first birthday. How on earth does a year fly by so fast? Not sure. Motherhood is like finding that there actually is a warp speed.

Each week of September I had some sort of speaking engagement. It felt great to get back in the game. I spoke two Wednesday nights at Cedar Valley on Living your life as a good story, and it turned out really neat. The talks were loosely based on Donald Miller's book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, which I really, really love. But as I worked on the material and the stories I would tell and the writing prompts I would assign the talk really became my own. It felt good and I was grateful for the opportunity.

I also went with my folks to Shepherd of the Valley's senior retreat at Camp Wapo. Ivar came along and charmed the socks off of everyone, as he does, and also brought the median age down by decades.

I decided to speak on Heaven at the senior retreat and what we know of Heaven based on Scripture and personal stories of walking with a loved one to death's door. There were stories shared in that room of sitting beside a loved one...a parent, a sister, and for some a child, as they breathed their last breath. These stories made every hair stand up on end, telling of a holiness that is beyond our comprehension. There were lots and lots of tears shed, and a sweet remembrance came over the room: we really are eternal beings. Heaven is our actual home.

When that talk was over Rory called to hear how it went. The words, "so good" or "great" didn't fit at all. All I could say was, "full. It was so full." The moment felt thick with the Holy Spirit, like the peace of God filled all of our hearts for the very same hour. It was a moment of community and stories that I never ever want to forget.

And then last week I had a board meeting for Mount Carmel Family Bible Camp. This wasn't a speaking gig, but I am finding that serving on this board takes up just as much mental mind space! We are in the midst of calling a new executive director and have a huge transition ahead. I have spent much time praying, writing, worrying and then praying some more as we proceed to call such an important servant to fill this position at Mount Carmel.

So folks, that's where I've been. I've missed this blog a lot. I use this space as a life diary and baby book of sorts, so to fall behind is like a triple guilt trip: baby book, journaling and blog slacking all rolled into one.

It's good to be back.

So long, September

September was a really, really full month for us. Lots of stuff I want to write about, lots of pictures I still hope to post. October looks a bit more relaxed at this point, and for that I am glad.

September's blog posts are sort of a riot to me. Lots of Sara Groves excitement with a few other very random posts. So to stay consistent with my random September, sporatic blog posts, I thought I'd close out the month with a video Rory just had me watch, sent to him by his friend Bill. It was exactly the humor I needed today. Happy Friday Everybody!

Just a friendly reminder...

I am hopeful to see lots of you on Saturday night! We just found our babysitter and are so excited for a great night filled with good music, friends and family. Sara's concerts tend to be filled with stories, lots of thought and heart. Your car is sure to be filled with meaningful conversation as you leave the parking lot Saturday night and head back home.

Here's a video of Sara telling the story behind her song "From This One Place." In it she talks openly about her struggles with anxiety attacks and then shares the song she wrote while working through her new normal. It's good stuff, and gives a good feel for what a concert of hers is like. click here and listen. The video coloring is terrible, but the audio is great... so treat it like the radio and enjoy.

See you Saturday!

it's been a while

...just thought I'd put a few pictures up to say hello. It's been a good month...a full one... and as a result the blog has been neglected. But we're well, on the move (read: Ivar is mobile and life will never be the same) and utilizing anything we can find as makeshift playpens...