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did I ever tell you about the time...

When Rory and I were first married we were taking a walk down to the creek when we found a sign stapled to a light post. The sign had been lovingly made with kid handwriting explaining that the family cat, Mr. Pickles, had gone missing. He was grey and had white paws.

That night, Rory was driving one block up the street from our house when low and behold out steps Mr. Pickles. It was him! Rory got out of the car, scooped up Mr. Pickles, put him in the backseat, and called me to tell me the good news. I ran to the street light and got the phone number.

Rory pulled up in front of the house. We were overjoyed. We had seen the sign, talked about how sad it was, but never in our wildest dreams did we ever think that we might be the ones to find this sweet kid’s cat!

I dialed the number and a little squeaky voice answered. I explained, “Hi! We saw your sign for Mr. Pickles and we found him. My husband just found him up the street!” The boy was a bit delayed and then replied in his falsetto voice, “No.” He paused and then his voice got higher and a bit confused, “No, we found Mr. Pickles.”

I hung up the phone and announced that Mr. Pickles had already been found.

Rory slowly drove the car up a block and let the grey cat with the white paws out the back door.

the perfect bib

Since Ivar was born I have wanted to put together a post of my very favorite baby items. Two friends requested that I do a post on my mama must-haves and I still hope to do this sometime. But until then, just know that this bib tops the list. I adore the over the head towel-into-bib clothing cover.

My bff Heidi's mom, Bonnie, gave me the first bib. She embroidered the train and Ivar's name. I love this bib because compared to the other small bibs we have, this thing actually covers my son. And because it's over the head, he can't pull it off. Plus, when he's done eating there is still plenty of bib to wipe his face off. Handy McDandy.

I wrote to Heidi telling her to pass on to her mom that this bib rocks my world and that I try to wash it every night so I have it ready for the next day. And guess what? Three days later I got a package in the mail from Bonnie with two more bibs, personalized for Ivar. With those bibs was a letter basically thanking me for giving her something to work on since she had torn her acl in her knee and was stuck in the house. Thanking me for giving her something to do by making me more bibs! Ha!

And then last week Heidi came for an overnight and brought two more bibs for Ivar, made with love from Bonnie. I don't know where you get these bibs if you don't have a Bonnie in your life, but truly, they are my favorite baby item so far.

dada dada dada dada

Pretty sure I have never seen you so happy. This little boy loves you with his whole heart and is so blessed to have you as his dad. Happy Father's Day, Rory!

the umbrella stroller

I recently wrote about how I spent my grandma's christmas money on a braun hand blender when I was in middle school. It was a smart purchase as I still use that kitchen gadget today. Turns out, I was pretty brilliant in choosing my gifts from grandma and seem to have kept the future in mind. Because when I was in 5th grade a picked out this umbrella stroller with my grandma and grandpa's christmas money and used to wheel my dolls around in it. Now, 20 years later, I am wheeling my baby around. Talk about bang for your buck!

special toast

My mom was over on Tuesday and Wednesday helping take care of me. We knew I was getting better when I asked her to make me Special Toast. It's the staple on-the-mend food in my family: cinnamon and sugar toast cut into strips. It's the cutting into strips that makes it Special Toast. Otherwise it would just be cinnamon toast. It is unbelievably good when your tummy is completely empty and your appetite begins to come back.

Thanks so much for all of the well wishes and kind emails and phone calls. Yesterday turned into a lovely day of reconnecting and telling everyone all about the crystals that are floating around in my ears. (That's what causes vertigo...isn't that so wierd?!!) I turned a corner early in the evening yesterday and today I'm seeing the world right side up again.