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so funny

I opened my present from Sara and Troy and Sara had sewn this amazing apron out of a table runner that she had received from Rory's grandma. The apron is adorable and even has a pocket for your cell phone. The apron is stunning, a true work of art and such an awesome gift.

We talked about this apron for a long time, stopped to take pictures, and admired all of the work that went into it. And then I opened my gift from Lisa and Kyle.
They too got me an apron. And it's gorgeous. But this one wasn't handmade and Lisa was hysterical to watch as this whole series of events unfolded. When we were admiring Sara's craftsmanship, she had sent Josie under the table to grab their gift and hide it. The card would be enough. But Josie came back from under the table defeated, "there are bars! I can't reach it!" I opened this second glorious apron and it was a funny moment in Groves gift giving.

Lisa is also an amazing seamstress, and actually I thought she had made hers as well because the fabrics and ribbons are all so crafty. I love them both and am so happy to be starting a pretty apron collection.
Here they both are...I plan on wearing them separately from here on out.

above and beyond...again.

Lisa brought these cookies to the birthday party. I just wrote about how she is always going the distance. Well, check out the surprise in these chocolate chip cookies. An entire oreo. Inside the cookie. Unbelievable. And so, so crazy good.

a birthday surprise

Two nights before we went to California we were to have supper with my folks to celebrate my birthday with the two of them. When we got to their house, they, and the Groves clan were each holding a mylar balloon and ready to celebrate. It was a great surprise that I had completely sniffed out. Honestly, I have overhyped my birthday so terribly much that the real surprise would be if there wasn't a surprise planned. Family and balloons was perfect.

I had read Rory the story I wrote about the mylar balloons from my 7th grade birthday a few weeks ago. When I was done reading it he said, "that first paragraph was so sweet. I wasn't ready for the rest to get to serious." I think this party, with all of beautiful, shining balloons was his way of trying to put the fun back in mylar for me.

california cousins

We got to see Rory's cousins Tim and Brittany when we were in San Francisco. Tim and I attended our first Groves Family Reunion together when we were both engaged to be married into the clan... I've always felt a special bond with him because of this fact :)

They are salt of the earth people and I wish we all lived closer!

my 30th birthday

Shannon pulled out all the stops for my 30th including 30 balloons to be delivered, a 90(!!) minute massage, supper at a French Bistro and gifts and goodies all day long. Every moment had been considered and I felt so loved.