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a guest blog post

I recently ran into a life-long Mt. Carmel friend (best surprise ever) at Ikea in the candle and vase area. We wondered together if the candles were any good from Ikea, because the price was amazing. Well, Rene got to the bottom of this one for us and I thought I'd share her findings :)

Today she sent me an email with the subject line: "If I had a blog..." and her first line was, "...Today's entry would be this: (thought you might like to know)"

Take it away Rene!


Last weekend I purchased an orange (melon-smelling) candle from IKEA for $1.99

Since I like candles and have tried a few different brands over the years, here is my review.

(show photo here - before burning)

I would give it an A+ for the price

a B for the 'clean melting down the sides' ability (but do think I can recycle the glass jar when done - IKEA suggests using it for their votives, of course they are trying to sell you more stuff)

an A- for the smell - it was good, but have you ever tried a Colonial Candle? YUM! (But you do pay for that wonderful smell!)

(another photo of half burnt candle)

So, I think these 3 grades average out to an A-. Go ahead, pick one up on your next trip to IKEA. It's well worth it for the price!

This is some helpful stuff. I do believe I will be zippin over to Ikea one of these days for some A- candles of my own.

Exponential Improvement

I have a friend who had a baby recently and I shared this story with her in an email as a bit of mama-encouragment that life will get a bit more "normal" with time...

Ivar got his four month shots today and I was in awe at my improved state of wellness since the last time we were there. I remember for his two week check up I could hardly make it to the check in counter. Rory was holding everything and I hobbled to the elevator slow as molasses. Then for the two month check up, Rory still held the carrier and diaper bag as I made my way to the elevator at his same pace. But I was exhausted that day. And so happy to have him there.

But today, Rory and I met at the clinic. I got there first and I carried Ivar and his many props in, took the stairs even, and couldn't believe the exponential improvement I have experienced since this little boy was born. I wouldn't have believed it at month one or even at month two, but it’s like my energy has doubled each month since having Ivar. I still need naps occasionally, and I still wonder what it might be like to get an uninterrupted night’s sleep in, but on the whole? Well, I actually think I’m going to make it!

the snowy day

We took Ivar out to play in the snow. It lasted for three minutes and consisted of a photoshoot and an attempt at a baby snow angel. It was a fun introduction and has me excited for the day we can build forts together. His little outfit reminds me of The Snowy Day. I might need to go and find the board book version of this favorite...

6:40 am

Dear 6:40,
What's up? Actually, I can tell you what's up. We are. Our whole family. And the truth is, 6:40, we don't need to be. But there is a little fella in our family who seems to want to greet you each day, and it's crimpin my style. He loves you though. Greets you with a smile and a happy disposition. I'm afraid I can't say the same.

I know this isn't a super early wake-up time for a lot of the world. But I also know that a lot of the world doesn't have to get up so often during the night and wrestle wiggly legs into a clean diaper and sit upright while a belly is filled.

So 6:40, let's just part ways and hang out in the pm. I'd be happy to appreciate you then.

above and beyond

Whenever I describe my sister-in-law Lisa to anyone, I describe her as Above and Beyond. She never does anything half way. Or even all the way. She goes past all the way...

I was just washing my mirrors with some glass cleaner she loves and gifted to me. A while back I had asked her if I could borrow her cupcake tree for a birthday party and the next night at church she left for me two different cupcake trees, medium and large plus a huge bottle of her favorite glass cleaner thrown in just for good measure. I opened that bag and saw the two cupcake stands and the glass cleaner she had grabbed at Sam's club that day and said, "above and beyond. That is Lisa Groves."

And the glass cleaner? Awesome. I'm afraid Toonces my try to fly through our windows.