I suppose one perk of this crafty month is recognizing how much of my life is creative, even when I don't always do something with fabric or paint. I didn't craft today, but I did a whole lot of organizing while Elsie and Hattie made spaceships out of boxes. It was fun to have the sisters pair off and play and work so hard together. Hattie wasn't around for the photo, but Alden was as photogenic as always. And then the two of them sat in this box for a long time while playing pretend. Alden loved hitting all the buttons. :)
it's not okay.
We left our super bowl party before half time so we could get the kids home and in bed for a good start to this new week. I got on my computer to check the score and then saw a headline about Justin Timberlake's half time show. So I clicked to youtube to watch it.
I will say this, thirteen of the fourteen minutes were fun. Full of set changes, dancing and props, it was like a little olympic opening ceremonies.
But there was a scene right at the beginning, after the lasers, when Justin was walking up a set of stairs. It seemed to be sort of a night club scene, with women along the stairwell as he walked up to each one. And he visited each one and everything was sexual. He was dominant. In the name of dancing, he had his way with each one.
I was so stunned. I felt sick to my stomach. I felt so sad for all of the kids in our country who saw that and then took note of how no one reacted.
In the day of #metoo, where men are finally being held to account of their sinful, despicable and forced behavior, I could not believe what I was seeing.
I think I am most overwhelmed that in this day when these horrendous behaviors are finally being brought into the light that there wasn't someone along the way who said, "let's do it clean." Maybe a choreographer, a dancer, Justin himself, someone on the Superbowl committee... In the name of national sensitivity, wouldn't you think?
And I can hear the rebuttals, "sex sells." "It's what makes money." But if you downplay the whole thing like that, then we'll just continue to have the same immoral storylines. The same heartbreaking stories of innocent, trusting young girls being taken advantage of, and harmed by the wolves.
If I had the ear of young women, this is what I would say: This sort of behavior in the name of entertainment and dancing is not okay. It's demeaning. If it made you feel uncomfortable, or awkward, then you should be glad. That's your ability to sense that something is wrong. Because that sort of public objectification is awkward. It is not beautiful. It is not honoring to their bodies. It is not honoring to the God who made them. It's just gross.
I'm afraid that by watching a scene like that it will normalize this sort of behavior. That you might think that guys can just behave that way because they can during the half time show while the entire nation is watching and no one bats an eye. But they can't behave that way. It's not honoring of women. And there are so many women out there who are working through so much pain and hurt because they thought a man could behave that way (or more often, because a man thought he could behave that way.)
Let me tell you this, young women. You are worth so much. Do not sell yourself short. You deserve a great guy who loves you well. Don't settle for less. Know the kind of guy you deserve and keep your bar high.
Because there are good guys out there and there are bad guys. You must be aware of this. Last night a the super bowl party I was changing Alden's diaper and Rory came over and started changing Hattie's diaper right in front of me. We were face to face, changing dirty diapers and I thought to myself, "I got a good one."
I want you to have a good one too.
So keep your standards high. Remember you are strong and amazing and worth so, so much. Remember that your clothing has consequences. You might feel like you should be free to wear what you want but guys are visual, and your clothing choices can attract the wrong kind of guy. And recognize that the people you hang out with have a HUGE impact on the situations you will be placed in. You only need one good friend. If you don't have a good friend, pray for one. That's how I found my best friend in high school.
And then hear this. I didn't date at all in high school. And barely in college. I kept looking for the wart on my face. What in the world was wrong with me? Why didn't anyone want to date me? I worried about it so much. But you know, looking back, I am so grateful for those years. I had the best girl friends. I had lots of really great guy friends too. But to this day I believe I was being protected and spared a lot of things by simply hanging out and enjoying my good friends. Life was full and fun.
And now, married to a great man, raising four kids, living on this farm, I just feel so grateful. I kept my standards high. I hung out with good friends who helped me make good decisions. I did make some bad choices and praise God for forgiveness and second chances. But by and large, I valued myself, honored myself and trusted that God had a future for me that was good. And he did. He does for you, too. He knows the desires of your heart. He put them there. Pray to him for strength to go against the current, for patience when you have to wait, for more faith when it's hard to believe he has good for you. Learn to listen for his voice. He will speak to you. And he will always tell you your value and worth. He made you. He loves you most of all. And he wants good things for all who call on his name.
Because there are good guys out there and there are bad guys. You must be aware of this. Last night a the super bowl party I was changing Alden's diaper and Rory came over and started changing Hattie's diaper right in front of me. We were face to face, changing dirty diapers and I thought to myself, "I got a good one."
I want you to have a good one too.
So keep your standards high. Remember you are strong and amazing and worth so, so much. Remember that your clothing has consequences. You might feel like you should be free to wear what you want but guys are visual, and your clothing choices can attract the wrong kind of guy. And recognize that the people you hang out with have a HUGE impact on the situations you will be placed in. You only need one good friend. If you don't have a good friend, pray for one. That's how I found my best friend in high school.
And then hear this. I didn't date at all in high school. And barely in college. I kept looking for the wart on my face. What in the world was wrong with me? Why didn't anyone want to date me? I worried about it so much. But you know, looking back, I am so grateful for those years. I had the best girl friends. I had lots of really great guy friends too. But to this day I believe I was being protected and spared a lot of things by simply hanging out and enjoying my good friends. Life was full and fun.
And now, married to a great man, raising four kids, living on this farm, I just feel so grateful. I kept my standards high. I hung out with good friends who helped me make good decisions. I did make some bad choices and praise God for forgiveness and second chances. But by and large, I valued myself, honored myself and trusted that God had a future for me that was good. And he did. He does for you, too. He knows the desires of your heart. He put them there. Pray to him for strength to go against the current, for patience when you have to wait, for more faith when it's hard to believe he has good for you. Learn to listen for his voice. He will speak to you. And he will always tell you your value and worth. He made you. He loves you most of all. And he wants good things for all who call on his name.
homemade peanut butter cups
Hold on to your love handles, because I've got a winner here and you're going to love it.
Actually, not much needs to be said except: homemade peanut butter cups. Those four words together trump most things. I imagine any conversation:
So what are you doing this weekend?
Watching the super bowl. Going skiing. Flying to Hawaii.
How about you?
Making homemade peanut butter cups.
And they are as good as you think they would be. I followed this recipe, and used melted chocolate almond bark to dip them in at the end. They're no bake. They're easy peasy. And they're my new go to. Also, I keep mine in the freezer because I like a frozen pb cup. My mom taught me that and she is a wise woman.
Here's the recipe:
1 cup smooth peanut butter
1/4 cup softened butter
2 T. brown sugar
2 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp salt
Mix all of that together in the mixer.
Then add 2 cups of powdered sugar.
Dump the pb mixture into an 8x8 or 11x7 casserole pan that has been lined with parchment (important!) for easy removal later. Put the pan in the freezer (cover with saran wrap) for an hour until hardened.
Use a cookie cutter to cut your hearts or stars or eggs or even just squares. It doesn't matter. No one is actually going to care the shape once they've eaten one.
Then put the cut outs back on a cookie sheet lined in parchment back into the freezer until hard again (maybe an hour? less?)
Melt your chocolate almond bark in the microwave until nice and smooth. Dip your shapes into the chocolate and lay back down on the parchment paper. (I used a cookie rack and regretted it!) Then I stuck mine back in the freezer once more. But you could also just start eating at this point.
So good.
And! I'm going to make little footballs for Sunday. You should too!
Nancy, come on by any time! I've got one here with your name on it. :)
Actually, not much needs to be said except: homemade peanut butter cups. Those four words together trump most things. I imagine any conversation:
So what are you doing this weekend?
Watching the super bowl. Going skiing. Flying to Hawaii.
How about you?
Making homemade peanut butter cups.
And they are as good as you think they would be. I followed this recipe, and used melted chocolate almond bark to dip them in at the end. They're no bake. They're easy peasy. And they're my new go to. Also, I keep mine in the freezer because I like a frozen pb cup. My mom taught me that and she is a wise woman.
Here's the recipe:
1 cup smooth peanut butter
1/4 cup softened butter
2 T. brown sugar
2 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp salt
Mix all of that together in the mixer.
Then add 2 cups of powdered sugar.
Dump the pb mixture into an 8x8 or 11x7 casserole pan that has been lined with parchment (important!) for easy removal later. Put the pan in the freezer (cover with saran wrap) for an hour until hardened.
Use a cookie cutter to cut your hearts or stars or eggs or even just squares. It doesn't matter. No one is actually going to care the shape once they've eaten one.
Then put the cut outs back on a cookie sheet lined in parchment back into the freezer until hard again (maybe an hour? less?)
Melt your chocolate almond bark in the microwave until nice and smooth. Dip your shapes into the chocolate and lay back down on the parchment paper. (I used a cookie rack and regretted it!) Then I stuck mine back in the freezer once more. But you could also just start eating at this point.
So good.
And! I'm going to make little footballs for Sunday. You should too!
Nancy, come on by any time! I've got one here with your name on it. :)
playdates and possoms
For today's creative project I took a nap. I got Hattie down for her nap, lay my head on my pillow and the very, exact second I did, Alden woke up. So I brought him downstairs, fed him rice cereal and asked Elsie if she would set up a playdate for Alden so that I could sleep.
When I came back up with Alden she had the room all set for fun. So they played and I slept. It was a 20 minute power nap and I woke totally rested. It was awesome. And very creative.
In other news, we caught a possum in our garage this morning in a live trap. So Rory took the trap to a county park a few miles from here. When he got there, he found a friend of ours from church who was sitting in his car having just watched the sunrise. They were so surprised to see each other and chatted a bit asking what are you doing here? "Spending some time with the Lord in prayer." And you? "Oh you know. Just dropping off a possum."
watercolor hearts
Then a few hours later, I checked my email and found a blog comment from Martha, a good family friend from my home church growing up who mentioned seeing the lunar eclipse in Arizona. Ha! We were looking right an an eclipse and didn't know it! Hadn't heard it was coming, but are so glad we got to see it.
heart strings #2
Do you remember how huge crafting was a decade ago? Do people still putz and play like this anymore? I remember following dozens of craft blogs when we lived in Nebraska. And maybe all the ideas have been posted already or maybe they've all switched to instagram and pinterest, but crafting blogs seem hard to find. I guess I'm just thinking aloud. Anyway, here's my second creative project!
The first three hearts I made (on the right here) had to be outlined in string because I had traced a heart with pencil right onto the wood. I wished I hadn't made the pencil marks because I didn't actually want to outline the heart, but I couldn't erased the pencil. So today I tried again, nailing the heart outline to the wood and then putting the nails in around the paper, and then removing the paper.
It leaves one nail mark, so I could have used double sided tape or a tape bubble on the paper to hold it in place. Then I tied a good knot and started running my thread all around the heart. This is a really, really fun project. No one way to do this one...
The first three hearts I made (on the right here) had to be outlined in string because I had traced a heart with pencil right onto the wood. I wished I hadn't made the pencil marks because I didn't actually want to outline the heart, but I couldn't erased the pencil. So today I tried again, nailing the heart outline to the wood and then putting the nails in around the paper, and then removing the paper.
It leaves one nail mark, so I could have used double sided tape or a tape bubble on the paper to hold it in place. Then I tied a good knot and started running my thread all around the heart. This is a really, really fun project. No one way to do this one...
I like how this one turned out, without the outline around the hearts. Both ways are darling though. And the best part for me is that when I was gone grocery shopping tonight, Ivar made his own heart and star. He loved this project and is excited to see what I whip up next. Long live crafts!
it's craft month!
Shout out to Mara and Sonna who told me they read my blog with their friends during school! Hello ladies! So happy to have this little window into your day! I think you're going to like what I'm about to write about, and I have a feeling you crafty girls will join me in this challenge...
To everything there is a season. I say that aloud or to myself probably thirty seven times a day. And I find so much comfort and rest in that truth. There will be a day. If it's on your heart, it's there for a reason. If it can't be accomplished today or this year or next year, there will be many years after that. If there is something plaguing your days, a hardship, a challenge...it too will pass. To everything there is a season.
I'm currently in a season where most of my creative energies go into figuring out what I can make for dinner out of mayonnaise, noodles and frozen corn. But it seems every February, a wave of inspiration hits and I get a boost of creative juices.
So you know what season it is now?!! Crafting season!!! Yesterday I saw a really darling window display at a favorite shop in our town with hearts on string dangling behind the clothes and shoes they are selling. And I decided to stop shopping and come home and get out the valentine's decorations.
Then I got all inspired to make my own heart strings. So last night after the kids went to bed, Rory watched a movie about William Bradford and I started cutting hearts. And I remembered that I love cutting and crafting. So I made a little challenge for myself: For the next thirty days I am going to do something creative each day.
It can be super simple. These will not be complex projects. But they will be darling. And they will probably have some hearts. But maybe not. And it doesn't have to be a new project every day. If I get super excited about heart strings, I could make them all month long. I won't, but the rules say I could if I wanted to. It's good to make the rules. Also, these are my projects. The kids can join in if I have the patience, but these don't have to be group projects. (They made cute shoe box mailboxes today...) In fact, I will likely prep the project during the day and execute after bedtime. Also, I'm going to try not to shop for anything. I'll get clever with my own craft stash.
So who's with me?!! Mara? Sonna? You girls in? It doesn't have to be every day (you can make your own rules too!) but let's get crafty!
Turns out I get crafty almost every February. Thankfully I have this blog to prove it. Check out these Valentines posts.
And here's my pinterest board in case you want to make some of these projects too. I'll be adding as the month goes on...
To everything there is a season. I say that aloud or to myself probably thirty seven times a day. And I find so much comfort and rest in that truth. There will be a day. If it's on your heart, it's there for a reason. If it can't be accomplished today or this year or next year, there will be many years after that. If there is something plaguing your days, a hardship, a challenge...it too will pass. To everything there is a season.
I'm currently in a season where most of my creative energies go into figuring out what I can make for dinner out of mayonnaise, noodles and frozen corn. But it seems every February, a wave of inspiration hits and I get a boost of creative juices.
So you know what season it is now?!! Crafting season!!! Yesterday I saw a really darling window display at a favorite shop in our town with hearts on string dangling behind the clothes and shoes they are selling. And I decided to stop shopping and come home and get out the valentine's decorations.
Then I got all inspired to make my own heart strings. So last night after the kids went to bed, Rory watched a movie about William Bradford and I started cutting hearts. And I remembered that I love cutting and crafting. So I made a little challenge for myself: For the next thirty days I am going to do something creative each day.
It can be super simple. These will not be complex projects. But they will be darling. And they will probably have some hearts. But maybe not. And it doesn't have to be a new project every day. If I get super excited about heart strings, I could make them all month long. I won't, but the rules say I could if I wanted to. It's good to make the rules. Also, these are my projects. The kids can join in if I have the patience, but these don't have to be group projects. (They made cute shoe box mailboxes today...) In fact, I will likely prep the project during the day and execute after bedtime. Also, I'm going to try not to shop for anything. I'll get clever with my own craft stash.
So who's with me?!! Mara? Sonna? You girls in? It doesn't have to be every day (you can make your own rules too!) but let's get crafty!
Turns out I get crafty almost every February. Thankfully I have this blog to prove it. Check out these Valentines posts.
And here's my pinterest board in case you want to make some of these projects too. I'll be adding as the month goes on...
drifts and snow piles
We had a great dumping of snow yesterday. Sixteen inches was the official count! The drifts are incredible and the piles of snow from the tractor are awesome. And today is sunny and blue skies. The kids have a friend over and they are living the dream.
Minnesotans tend to love Minnesota. We're very loyal to this place even in the middle of winter. Even after sad football games. And those cold subzero days can feel very isolating. But now! The snow! The blue sky! The schools cancelled! The above zero temps! We were made for this! The state-wide celebration over a beautiful day is part of the goodness of winter here. And we are living it up.
...living it up with sleds and snow pants and sunglasses.
Minnesotans tend to love Minnesota. We're very loyal to this place even in the middle of winter. Even after sad football games. And those cold subzero days can feel very isolating. But now! The snow! The blue sky! The schools cancelled! The above zero temps! We were made for this! The state-wide celebration over a beautiful day is part of the goodness of winter here. And we are living it up.
...living it up with sleds and snow pants and sunglasses.
sunshine for your day
It's snowing and blowing here...a real blizzard! Rory just went out to feed the animals and we talked about Pa Ingalls tying a line from the house to the barn to find his way back from chores. We still have visibility, but he did walk out there backwards since the icy snow is so harsh on the face!
Hattie wore a new dress to church yesterday, from her Seattle cousins. Usually I can't get Hattie to stay still for a picture, but when I told her I wanted a picture to send to Claire, Simon and Nellie, she lit up and posed so nicely. And after each picture she confirmed, "Nanoo?!" Which is how she says Nellie, a beloved cousin friend who took great care of Hattie during our Thanksgiving visit.
the laundry flu
We are in the middle of our third week of having to clear everything from the calendar because of sickness. We have been passing around some version of the flu to each other since the new year. I have been out of the house a total of six times in 2018. No lie!
I had a pretty chipper attitude about it for a while. It was so cold, I didn't actually want to go anywhere anyway. We have had a roaring fire heating our house and it's cozy to stay put.
But then Ivar got a high fever on Sunday afternoon and I had to call my sister to tell her we wouldn't be coming to her house for MLK day. We would, instead, stay put again. It was a low blow and it got me down. I was really, really excited for a day at her house with all of our kids.
Later that night Rory found me baking cookies in the kitchen. "Wow. Why are you making cookies?"
"Low morale," I replied. And then laughed at the absurdity of it, as well as the absolute truth.
And probably because I'm slowly losing my marbles, I imagined a little Mystery Science Theatre commentary happening while I was baking cookies. I heard a narration team in my head, "Ah, folks, it's too early for her to get the winter blues. We haven't even hit Valentines Day, her typical low point of winter. In fact, that's still a long ways off. Is she going anywhere this winter? Um, not unless you count Iowa in March for her great Aunt's 100th birthday. Right. That's not very far south. Also, it's two months from now. Well, I'd say she's doing the right thing by baking cookies. We agree. And good for her for using Gluten Free flour. They're basically healthy now. Absolutely."
And now, since Sunday night, Hattie has had what I call The Laundry Flu two different nights. Ivar has The Kleenex Flu with achy bones and a lack of energy. And yesterday I got some version of the flu too. And to be honest, I blame those cookies. I haven't had that much sugar in months, and I think I crashed my immune system. But they were good solace during Hattie's sickness for me...
Anyway, I am about solutions! God made me quite proactive, optimistic and excitable when he formed me, so here's my winter plan for 2018. (And, it's FORTY DEGREES TODAY!!!)
My solution to this long and ill month, and making it through the next two months of winter is to relax on my to do's and play with my kids every chance I get. (My to do's get undone immediately anyway...) The picture above is a huge ship we made on Monday that had to cross the ocean. We could only get off the ship when we docked at a restaurant to eat snacks (Elsie's idea). There were terrible storms, and most fun was nighttime when we'd all lay down and snuggle and snore and talk about the sharks circling our ship.
I also am big into having a lit candle each day, calming music (just discovered DappyTKeys on youtube) and other good Hygge things.
And my latest, greatest idea was two nights ago when we took a Family Re-cation. I hooked up the projector and after supper we all looked at every picture I took from our family vacation last December to Kentucky. It was so, so fun. And it did feel like a little virtual get away. :)
So I'm fighting back. Remember when I regrouped the winter months: January, February and March? Because those are the actual winter months in Minnesota. December was nice and mild until the very end. It usually is. So we are just at the beginning of the winter, in my mind. Way too soon for low morale! So bring on all the cozy things. And the boat rides in shark infested waters.
I had a pretty chipper attitude about it for a while. It was so cold, I didn't actually want to go anywhere anyway. We have had a roaring fire heating our house and it's cozy to stay put.
But then Ivar got a high fever on Sunday afternoon and I had to call my sister to tell her we wouldn't be coming to her house for MLK day. We would, instead, stay put again. It was a low blow and it got me down. I was really, really excited for a day at her house with all of our kids.
Later that night Rory found me baking cookies in the kitchen. "Wow. Why are you making cookies?"
"Low morale," I replied. And then laughed at the absurdity of it, as well as the absolute truth.
And probably because I'm slowly losing my marbles, I imagined a little Mystery Science Theatre commentary happening while I was baking cookies. I heard a narration team in my head, "Ah, folks, it's too early for her to get the winter blues. We haven't even hit Valentines Day, her typical low point of winter. In fact, that's still a long ways off. Is she going anywhere this winter? Um, not unless you count Iowa in March for her great Aunt's 100th birthday. Right. That's not very far south. Also, it's two months from now. Well, I'd say she's doing the right thing by baking cookies. We agree. And good for her for using Gluten Free flour. They're basically healthy now. Absolutely."
And now, since Sunday night, Hattie has had what I call The Laundry Flu two different nights. Ivar has The Kleenex Flu with achy bones and a lack of energy. And yesterday I got some version of the flu too. And to be honest, I blame those cookies. I haven't had that much sugar in months, and I think I crashed my immune system. But they were good solace during Hattie's sickness for me...
Anyway, I am about solutions! God made me quite proactive, optimistic and excitable when he formed me, so here's my winter plan for 2018. (And, it's FORTY DEGREES TODAY!!!)
My solution to this long and ill month, and making it through the next two months of winter is to relax on my to do's and play with my kids every chance I get. (My to do's get undone immediately anyway...) The picture above is a huge ship we made on Monday that had to cross the ocean. We could only get off the ship when we docked at a restaurant to eat snacks (Elsie's idea). There were terrible storms, and most fun was nighttime when we'd all lay down and snuggle and snore and talk about the sharks circling our ship.
I also am big into having a lit candle each day, calming music (just discovered DappyTKeys on youtube) and other good Hygge things.
And my latest, greatest idea was two nights ago when we took a Family Re-cation. I hooked up the projector and after supper we all looked at every picture I took from our family vacation last December to Kentucky. It was so, so fun. And it did feel like a little virtual get away. :)
So I'm fighting back. Remember when I regrouped the winter months: January, February and March? Because those are the actual winter months in Minnesota. December was nice and mild until the very end. It usually is. So we are just at the beginning of the winter, in my mind. Way too soon for low morale! So bring on all the cozy things. And the boat rides in shark infested waters.
barn update!
While everyone has been sick in the house this month, something very exciting has been happening out in the barn. The guys that built our barn have been back to enclose the animal and storage area from the rest of the barn. This was done mainly to create a hay mow to store our small square bales of hay for the animals. Tada!
So now when you go up the stairs you can go left or right on the first landing. Going left will lead you to four stairs and to Floor 1 1/2. It's a whole huge room, 8 feet tall at the highest slope and then gradually getting lower. (And don't worry. We will soon build a deck railing all across the top. I am certain my dad's heart rate is up just looking at this picture of Ivar!)
This new ceiling and walls also means that our storage room is now enclosed so our stuff won't always have saw dust, hay and animal dust all over it.
It looks so good and feels perfect for this barn. The craziest part is that when we designed the barn, we hadn't planned it this way. It was an idea that came after the barn was built, but when you see it, it feels like it was always a part of the master design. How great is that?
plot lines and writing lessons
On Friday I decided to teach the kids about character development, setting, plot lines, climax and resolution and how to write a good story. I drew out a little story about a boy and a girl who lived on a farm. I described the kids, one liked legos the other liked jewelry. And these kids got pigs on their farm. But something crazy happened and the pigs got out. The story was a real raucous until the pigs were safely back in their pen and the story resolved nicely.
I explained each part of the story, the rising action, the climax, the resolution, and since he had just finished reading the book with his dad, I asked Ivar if he would map out The Hobbit on the white board.
I know.
But in my defense I was thinking he would say, "Bilbo lived in the Shire and found a ring, it led him on an adventure and he ended up back home at the end of the story."
But not Ivar. Ivar had a lesson for me. First he totally panicked and scribbled wildly on the board, "Mom, there are new characters in ever chapter! And the place is always changing! There isn't just one hard thing they have to get through, it happens over and over and over." He was overwhelmed at the enormity of the task I had just assigned to him (duh) and I tried to back track and said he could just draw out the story arc for The Three Little Pigs. But it was too late. He took my challenging assignment and began to draw out Bilbo's storyline.
And he did so well. Can you see in the picture above his drawing of the shire? And next is the meeting with the dwarfs (those dots are their faces and that is a wood burning stove with puffs of smoke coming up), then they began their adventure into the woods, 14 days of rest in Rivendell and on and on... I actually learned quite a bit by Ivar's explanation of Tolkien's storytelling.
I wrapped up the lesson by telling Ivar, "I guess I started you with the best." And then took a picture of the white board to remember the day Ivar taught me how to write a good storyline.
I explained each part of the story, the rising action, the climax, the resolution, and since he had just finished reading the book with his dad, I asked Ivar if he would map out The Hobbit on the white board.
I know.
But in my defense I was thinking he would say, "Bilbo lived in the Shire and found a ring, it led him on an adventure and he ended up back home at the end of the story."
But not Ivar. Ivar had a lesson for me. First he totally panicked and scribbled wildly on the board, "Mom, there are new characters in ever chapter! And the place is always changing! There isn't just one hard thing they have to get through, it happens over and over and over." He was overwhelmed at the enormity of the task I had just assigned to him (duh) and I tried to back track and said he could just draw out the story arc for The Three Little Pigs. But it was too late. He took my challenging assignment and began to draw out Bilbo's storyline.
And he did so well. Can you see in the picture above his drawing of the shire? And next is the meeting with the dwarfs (those dots are their faces and that is a wood burning stove with puffs of smoke coming up), then they began their adventure into the woods, 14 days of rest in Rivendell and on and on... I actually learned quite a bit by Ivar's explanation of Tolkien's storytelling.
I wrapped up the lesson by telling Ivar, "I guess I started you with the best." And then took a picture of the white board to remember the day Ivar taught me how to write a good storyline.
cup towers and old ladies
Our church had a New Year's Eve party and it was so much fun. Our friend Eric led lots of minute-to-win-it type games and there was so much laughter. We love our church family and it was fun to play together. Usually it's all Sunday morning together-time, but this was really special.
The last game was a huge cup relay with different tasks to accomplish with plastic cups. There were hundreds of cups and after the games were over Ivar and a 10-year-old and a 27-year-old built a cup pyramid up to the ceiling. I love that sort of intergenerational goodness.
But the reason I'm writing is to tell of one hilarious moment. One of the games was to empty an entire box of kleenex in with one hand. The person who did it first, won. There were 16 boxes of kleenex set up for 16 kids and at the end of the game they were going to throw away the waste. But I shouted out, "wait! No! I'll take all of them! Wait for me to get a garbage bag!" I came back with a huge trash bag and Eric repeated, "Okay, kids. You heard Mrs. Groves. She would like to take all of these kleenex home with her so please pick them up and put them in her bag..."
I laughed so hard. I am suddenly old lady Groves. You know, the one who re-uses tissues?
Maybe you had to be there to see the teenagers' faces as they put their kleenex in my bag. But I'm pretty sure I've got some sort of reputation now...though I'm completely pumped about our TWO GARBAGE BAGS FULL of practically brand new kleenex!
The last game was a huge cup relay with different tasks to accomplish with plastic cups. There were hundreds of cups and after the games were over Ivar and a 10-year-old and a 27-year-old built a cup pyramid up to the ceiling. I love that sort of intergenerational goodness.
But the reason I'm writing is to tell of one hilarious moment. One of the games was to empty an entire box of kleenex in with one hand. The person who did it first, won. There were 16 boxes of kleenex set up for 16 kids and at the end of the game they were going to throw away the waste. But I shouted out, "wait! No! I'll take all of them! Wait for me to get a garbage bag!" I came back with a huge trash bag and Eric repeated, "Okay, kids. You heard Mrs. Groves. She would like to take all of these kleenex home with her so please pick them up and put them in her bag..."
I laughed so hard. I am suddenly old lady Groves. You know, the one who re-uses tissues?
Maybe you had to be there to see the teenagers' faces as they put their kleenex in my bag. But I'm pretty sure I've got some sort of reputation now...though I'm completely pumped about our TWO GARBAGE BAGS FULL of practically brand new kleenex!
goat. it's what's for dinner.
When it was time to load up our beloved goat, Cici, Ivar was devastated. Cici was more of a pet than a barnyard animal, and all of our hearts were so, so sad.
It was a few weeks later that Rory got the first bag of ground goat out of the deep freeze and asked me to make something out of it. And I'll tell you what. Never in all my days did I think I'd ever be googling recipes for ground goat.
But here's the craziest thing. Before we were married I remember watching a cooking show. Which unto itself is amazing, because I have watched soooo many cooking shows in my life. So many. So, so many. But I remember one in particular of a man in his condo and he was making goat meatballs. He was explaining that goat is the most consumed protein on the planet, just not in America. And he was urging his PBS viewers not to knock it until they tried it.
And somehow, this guy, in his apartment kitchen, cooking goat meatballs, carried me through this first attempt at my newest life skill: cooking with goat meat.
I found a recipe that had me caramelize onions and add a whole lot of thyme and salt and pepper. And then to cool that mixture before adding it to the meat, eggs, bread crumbs and...cream cheese. I added some Worcestershire and all-spice, because those two ingredients have never let me down before. And then I got out my cast-iron skillet, browned these babies on all sides, stuck them in the oven to finish them off and waited for the moment of truth.
The kids came to the table. We were all a little sullen. We knew the meal that was coming our way. Like, we actually knew it. Had known it. And here it was.
Rory was getting everyone's drinks and I was wondering if this was too much for Ivar...if he should be let off the hook with a peanut butter and jelly. I got up to get something and then I heard Rory, "Elsie. Stop eating. You have to wait for all of us to sit down." And she said something about how good her meatball was. As she stuffed another in her mouth I scolded, "no no! We are going to try it all together." And before we were done praying she had eaten three meatballs. So we said our thanks to God for this meal. And then we each took a bite.
And we started to chew very slowly and look around the table.
Because these meatballs were incredible. Like, the best we have ever had.
I kept saying, "what in the world..." and Rory kept laughing, "this is ours! why have we never heard goat is good before? we have our own meat!"
And Ivar, with a huge smile looked at me and said, "Thumbs up, Cici."
Thumbs up, Cici. My favorite line, probably ever.
So now we are cooking with goat. I don't imagine anyone out there will likely begin purchasing goat meat. But in the event that you, too, find yourself looking up goat recipes I want to share the two we have had so far that are positively the best meat we have ever had. Plus, I will need to reference these again and again, so here they are on my handy blog.
Also, you could totally make either of these with beef. Goat is just a very lean meat, so there are added steps to keep the meat from drying out.
St. Goat Balls of A Cici
Caramelize the following in olive oil and butter
2 med onions chopped fine
1 tsp thyme
1 tsp all spice
1 tsp salt
dash of red pepper flakes
1 1/2 lbs ground goat
2 eggs
1/2 c plain bread crumbs
1 T. Worcestershire sauce
1/2 brick of cream cheese, added very last, and mixed in as small little chunks
Mix and brown the meat balls in a cast iron skillet on two sides. Finish in 400 degree oven.
**This recipe required no gravy, no ketchup for the kids or bbq sauce. It was so, so good.
Goat Strogonoff
This is my own recipe. And I don't cook with measures much anymore. I thank all the hours I logged on PBS on Saturday afternoons for teaching me how to cook. :)
goat stew meat
minced garlic
dried onions (fresh would be great too!)
pepper and salt
olive oil
liquid aminos (or soy sauce)
Combine all of this in a bowl
Heat cast iron skillet until hot, add oil and then brown meat on all sides
Put meat in crock pot with beef broth and slow cook 4-5 hours
30 minutes before serving add Worcestershire sauce.
Cook Egg noodles, cover in butter and grated Parmesan cheese
Remove meat from crock pot and make gravy out of juices.
This was CRAZY delicious.
I want to write this for my own self reflection...
We are absolutely positive that this meat tastes happy. I know that sounds loony. But it does taste happy. A few years ago when we began roasting our own chickens I had a really hard time eating them. I often told people, "I like anonymous meat...meat I never knew before..." But I have had a complete change of heart, and I am the most surprised.
You know what is a terrible thought now? Not having ANY IDEA where my meat came from. We've all seen a glimpse of a documentary or flown over cattle operations or seen pictures so terrible and inhumane it seems other-worldly. I'm thinking of chicken operations where birds are stuffed next to each other in cages, never to ever see the light of day. Or cattle yards where cows stand in mud and manure, are fed grain, and never get a piece of fresh grass in their life.
I used to have an indifference to where my meat came from. There are so many things you can get upset about anymore. Leave my hamburgers alone. But I'm not so indifferent any more. And in a crazy twist, I actually am glad we knew our goat, named it, loved it, gave it one very happy life and that we are eating that happy meat. Now I want to know my meat from birth to butcher. And I would like to know the butcher too.
Anyway, I never saw this coming. But here we are. Thumbs up, Cici.
It was a few weeks later that Rory got the first bag of ground goat out of the deep freeze and asked me to make something out of it. And I'll tell you what. Never in all my days did I think I'd ever be googling recipes for ground goat.
But here's the craziest thing. Before we were married I remember watching a cooking show. Which unto itself is amazing, because I have watched soooo many cooking shows in my life. So many. So, so many. But I remember one in particular of a man in his condo and he was making goat meatballs. He was explaining that goat is the most consumed protein on the planet, just not in America. And he was urging his PBS viewers not to knock it until they tried it.
And somehow, this guy, in his apartment kitchen, cooking goat meatballs, carried me through this first attempt at my newest life skill: cooking with goat meat.
I found a recipe that had me caramelize onions and add a whole lot of thyme and salt and pepper. And then to cool that mixture before adding it to the meat, eggs, bread crumbs and...cream cheese. I added some Worcestershire and all-spice, because those two ingredients have never let me down before. And then I got out my cast-iron skillet, browned these babies on all sides, stuck them in the oven to finish them off and waited for the moment of truth.
The kids came to the table. We were all a little sullen. We knew the meal that was coming our way. Like, we actually knew it. Had known it. And here it was.
Rory was getting everyone's drinks and I was wondering if this was too much for Ivar...if he should be let off the hook with a peanut butter and jelly. I got up to get something and then I heard Rory, "Elsie. Stop eating. You have to wait for all of us to sit down." And she said something about how good her meatball was. As she stuffed another in her mouth I scolded, "no no! We are going to try it all together." And before we were done praying she had eaten three meatballs. So we said our thanks to God for this meal. And then we each took a bite.
And we started to chew very slowly and look around the table.
Because these meatballs were incredible. Like, the best we have ever had.
I kept saying, "what in the world..." and Rory kept laughing, "this is ours! why have we never heard goat is good before? we have our own meat!"
And Ivar, with a huge smile looked at me and said, "Thumbs up, Cici."
Thumbs up, Cici. My favorite line, probably ever.
So now we are cooking with goat. I don't imagine anyone out there will likely begin purchasing goat meat. But in the event that you, too, find yourself looking up goat recipes I want to share the two we have had so far that are positively the best meat we have ever had. Plus, I will need to reference these again and again, so here they are on my handy blog.
Also, you could totally make either of these with beef. Goat is just a very lean meat, so there are added steps to keep the meat from drying out.
St. Goat Balls of A Cici
Caramelize the following in olive oil and butter
2 med onions chopped fine
1 tsp thyme
1 tsp all spice
1 tsp salt
dash of red pepper flakes
1 1/2 lbs ground goat
2 eggs
1/2 c plain bread crumbs
1 T. Worcestershire sauce
1/2 brick of cream cheese, added very last, and mixed in as small little chunks
Mix and brown the meat balls in a cast iron skillet on two sides. Finish in 400 degree oven.
**This recipe required no gravy, no ketchup for the kids or bbq sauce. It was so, so good.
Goat Strogonoff
This is my own recipe. And I don't cook with measures much anymore. I thank all the hours I logged on PBS on Saturday afternoons for teaching me how to cook. :)
goat stew meat
minced garlic
dried onions (fresh would be great too!)
pepper and salt
olive oil
liquid aminos (or soy sauce)
Combine all of this in a bowl
Heat cast iron skillet until hot, add oil and then brown meat on all sides
Put meat in crock pot with beef broth and slow cook 4-5 hours
30 minutes before serving add Worcestershire sauce.
Cook Egg noodles, cover in butter and grated Parmesan cheese
Remove meat from crock pot and make gravy out of juices.
This was CRAZY delicious.
I want to write this for my own self reflection...
We are absolutely positive that this meat tastes happy. I know that sounds loony. But it does taste happy. A few years ago when we began roasting our own chickens I had a really hard time eating them. I often told people, "I like anonymous meat...meat I never knew before..." But I have had a complete change of heart, and I am the most surprised.
You know what is a terrible thought now? Not having ANY IDEA where my meat came from. We've all seen a glimpse of a documentary or flown over cattle operations or seen pictures so terrible and inhumane it seems other-worldly. I'm thinking of chicken operations where birds are stuffed next to each other in cages, never to ever see the light of day. Or cattle yards where cows stand in mud and manure, are fed grain, and never get a piece of fresh grass in their life.
I used to have an indifference to where my meat came from. There are so many things you can get upset about anymore. Leave my hamburgers alone. But I'm not so indifferent any more. And in a crazy twist, I actually am glad we knew our goat, named it, loved it, gave it one very happy life and that we are eating that happy meat. Now I want to know my meat from birth to butcher. And I would like to know the butcher too.
Anyway, I never saw this coming. But here we are. Thumbs up, Cici.
Ivar and Bilbo
Rory and Ivar finished reading The Hobbit two nights ago and Ivar was so sad when it was over. He hates to leave good friends on the pages of a book.
After he and Rory finished the last page of The Hobbit, they sat for a while and talked about it. And then when Rory went to put him to bed, Ivar brought out a surprise for his dad. The whole time they had been reading the book, Ivar had been working on a map of Bilbo's adventure. And then he framed it for Rory and gave it to him. We had no idea this was in the works.
I'm not sure Rory has ever received anything greater in his whole life.
When Rory left for work today, Ivar yelled out to him in the garage, "Good bye, Dad! And may your beard never grow thin!" Which is Bilbo's sweet words of farewell to his dwarf friends.
After he and Rory finished the last page of The Hobbit, they sat for a while and talked about it. And then when Rory went to put him to bed, Ivar brought out a surprise for his dad. The whole time they had been reading the book, Ivar had been working on a map of Bilbo's adventure. And then he framed it for Rory and gave it to him. We had no idea this was in the works.
I'm not sure Rory has ever received anything greater in his whole life.
When Rory left for work today, Ivar yelled out to him in the garage, "Good bye, Dad! And may your beard never grow thin!" Which is Bilbo's sweet words of farewell to his dwarf friends.
new year's resolutions
It's going to be a big year for the Groves. Alden declared that in 2018 he will learn how to walk. Hattie announced this is the year she is going to grow her hair out. Elsie raised the bar by stating that in the next 365 days, she will learn to read. Ivar is working towards researching rabbits to raise for the fair. I have high hopes to can or pickle something in every color of the rainbow. And Rory wants to grow his own wheat that he will then grind into flour to make into bread.
Look out 2018. The Groves are coming at you. Just after we stop passing the stomach bug around to each other...
Look out 2018. The Groves are coming at you. Just after we stop passing the stomach bug around to each other...
soaked oats
A friend of mine used to say she liked my blog because the topics were so varied and she never knew what was coming up next. I am thinking of her now as I move from marriage to oatmeal.
I love this oatmeal and have wanted to share it for so long. I get out of bed in the middle of the night if I realize I haven't started soaking my oats because I simply do not like regular oatmeal anymore. This stuff has ruined it for me.
And it's easy to make! The day before I put a cup of old fashioned oats in a tupperware, just barely cover them with water and then add a dollop of plain greek yogurt. I stir it up, put the lid on and leave it out on my counter. In the morning I boil a cup of water on the stove, add the soaked oats, heat until hot and then add raisins, pecans, cinnamon, salt and butter.
It's a little sour because of the yogurt. And it's super-duper creamy and smooth. It's hot and filling and hits the spot every morning. I told Rory that it is more important to me now, than coffee. And over time I have been able to cut out the maple syrup I used to put on top. It's more savory and I prefer it that way.
It comes from the cookbook Nourishing Traditions, a really insightful book that has taught me so much about food and how we should be eating. I'm not sure why this is a healthier way to eat oats, it just tastes good to me. I first started eating this while doing my friend Cori's one week eating challenge which was over two months ago and I'm still going strong.
If you want step-by-step instructions you can find them here.
margin in marriage #2
I got many heartfelt and grateful emails and texts from friends about that last blog post. It had me turning lots of thoughts in my mind, once again aware of the lack of honest and encouraging voices for women when it comes to marriage and motherhood.
I wanted to come back to this post though, because I came across the sheet of paper that I had written my thoughts on, the night Rory and I worked through all of these issues, one by one.
The first thing I want to mention is that when I was rocking Alden that night, I remembered that the counselors that we went to three years ago spend their winters in Arizona. We wouldn't be able to see them again until April. So then I prayed to God. It was something like, "God. We need your help. We know this season. You know us. We both want a strong and satisfying marriage. But we need you now." (I don't think I often pray in full sentences in my head. I have been noticing this lately...that I pray in fragments and feelings and only when I pray aloud do I make complete sentences...) Anyway...
That is when the breakthrough came. Because the very first thing I wrote down on the sheet of paper that night was: "Apologize for Sunday mornings. You are mean to him." I have it right here on the paper beside me.
So when Rory came up to the bedroom, that is where I started. I told him I am mean to him and he doesn't deserve it. I am taking all of my Sunday morning frustration out on him, as if he is the reason I am not getting in to hear the sermons. But that's not true. So I apologized a sincere and genuine apology and promised I would be kind to him on Sunday mornings. And then we talked through our Sunday morning game plan, feeding Alden before we leave for church, him taking Hattie out if she needs to leave, making every effort to keep me in the service. He voiced, again, that his top priority is for me to get a recharge, and he'd gladly be in the hall with the babies if I would just tell him when I needed him (he never knows if I am nursing or getting a coffee or talking to a friend out there...)
Anyway, we made a plan that actually begins the night before to make sure our Sunday mornings go well. We talked about having a plan for Sunday lunch. And then having our family meeting after lunch.
So I guess that's what I wanted to add to the first post. This coming back together began with 1) prayer asking for God's help and 2) an apology and 3) forgiveness. It was God who gave me the clarity to write it all out. And it was God who asked me to start the conversation by confessing my rude treatment of my husband on Sunday mornings. And it was from there that we found our footing again, decided to work as one, and found hope in this demanding season.
Which was a good thing because this week Hattie and Elsie have had the flu. And man, oh, man, am I glad to have Rory by my side! Our nights have been loooooong, the laundry unending, and the girls have needed so much extra attention and snuggling. We are exhausted and could definitely use an uninterrupted night's sleep (haven't had one of those in six months!) but we are united and on the same team. And that makes all the difference in the world.
I wanted to come back to this post though, because I came across the sheet of paper that I had written my thoughts on, the night Rory and I worked through all of these issues, one by one.
The first thing I want to mention is that when I was rocking Alden that night, I remembered that the counselors that we went to three years ago spend their winters in Arizona. We wouldn't be able to see them again until April. So then I prayed to God. It was something like, "God. We need your help. We know this season. You know us. We both want a strong and satisfying marriage. But we need you now." (I don't think I often pray in full sentences in my head. I have been noticing this lately...that I pray in fragments and feelings and only when I pray aloud do I make complete sentences...) Anyway...
That is when the breakthrough came. Because the very first thing I wrote down on the sheet of paper that night was: "Apologize for Sunday mornings. You are mean to him." I have it right here on the paper beside me.
So when Rory came up to the bedroom, that is where I started. I told him I am mean to him and he doesn't deserve it. I am taking all of my Sunday morning frustration out on him, as if he is the reason I am not getting in to hear the sermons. But that's not true. So I apologized a sincere and genuine apology and promised I would be kind to him on Sunday mornings. And then we talked through our Sunday morning game plan, feeding Alden before we leave for church, him taking Hattie out if she needs to leave, making every effort to keep me in the service. He voiced, again, that his top priority is for me to get a recharge, and he'd gladly be in the hall with the babies if I would just tell him when I needed him (he never knows if I am nursing or getting a coffee or talking to a friend out there...)
Anyway, we made a plan that actually begins the night before to make sure our Sunday mornings go well. We talked about having a plan for Sunday lunch. And then having our family meeting after lunch.
So I guess that's what I wanted to add to the first post. This coming back together began with 1) prayer asking for God's help and 2) an apology and 3) forgiveness. It was God who gave me the clarity to write it all out. And it was God who asked me to start the conversation by confessing my rude treatment of my husband on Sunday mornings. And it was from there that we found our footing again, decided to work as one, and found hope in this demanding season.
Which was a good thing because this week Hattie and Elsie have had the flu. And man, oh, man, am I glad to have Rory by my side! Our nights have been loooooong, the laundry unending, and the girls have needed so much extra attention and snuggling. We are exhausted and could definitely use an uninterrupted night's sleep (haven't had one of those in six months!) but we are united and on the same team. And that makes all the difference in the world.
margin in marriage
Rory and I had a difficult December. Just a repeated scenario of me thinking it was time for him to take over and him thinking he had a job and a farm to tend to. It all came to a head the weekend of Christmas and things I thought had been communicated had not been heard and we both were looking at the other with a "pull it together" attitude.
Rory suggested we go back to the counselors we had seen a few years ago. I agreed.
But then, the day after Christmas, I was rocking Alden and I had this sweet, unemotional, moment of clarity. I saw the issues clearly. Sunday mornings was a trigger for us. It's a lot of work getting everyone up and out the door, and during all of December I never heard a sermon. But I was there. I just was either walking the hall with a drippy-nose Hattie, teaching Sunday school or nursing Alden. I left each Sunday morning in a sorry-for-myself sour mood and aimed the whole of that frustration at Rory. Which made him incredibly defensive, wondering how he was supposed to read my mind.
So I put Alden down, got a piece of paper and wrote out each offense, his side, my side. I honed in on Sunday mornings and wrote down what I know about Rory. He is dependable. He wants to do right by me. He works so hard for our family. He wants me to feel supported and does, in fact, support me in a hundred ways. I was hung up on the few instances that things didn't go according to plan.
Anyway. I called him up to the bedroom. I read out each situation and explained (in writing) how we were in that tricky season of no margin. If he says he'll be in at 5:00, I start watching the clock at 4:37. And 4:54. And 4:59. If he's a little late, I have grace for that. 5:03 is fine. 5:05 I can muster up understanding. 5:06 and I am done. I've had it. He's late. And I turn on a dime in that moment into a frustrated, resentful, tired, hungry woman who will now let this moment ruin the rest of the evening.
We talked about how little grace and understanding we have for each other. And we talked about needing a neutral time to bring up grievances.
And then it hit us. We need to bring back the Family Meeting. And what is crazy about that fact is that we created the Family Meeting, at this exact no-margin season when Ivar and Elsie were Hattie and Alden's ages. In fact, the issue at hand was the very issue we worked through four years ago in our marriage counseling!
So because of this schnazzy blog, which is basically my personal journal, I was able to look up the agenda that we had created to deal with these issues: menu planning, talking through the next week's calendar, lining up babysitters so we can get out once every two weeks. It was all there. We had some serious breakthrough four years ago. And now we were tapping into all of it again. And not only that, but we felt validated that this simply is a hairy season. But we have the history to know that it is, in fact, just a season.
I wanted to link back to that post in case you, too, are in a season that needs some family organization.
What a great blog!
Good stuff, joyfullybecca.com. Good stuff.
Rory suggested we go back to the counselors we had seen a few years ago. I agreed.
But then, the day after Christmas, I was rocking Alden and I had this sweet, unemotional, moment of clarity. I saw the issues clearly. Sunday mornings was a trigger for us. It's a lot of work getting everyone up and out the door, and during all of December I never heard a sermon. But I was there. I just was either walking the hall with a drippy-nose Hattie, teaching Sunday school or nursing Alden. I left each Sunday morning in a sorry-for-myself sour mood and aimed the whole of that frustration at Rory. Which made him incredibly defensive, wondering how he was supposed to read my mind.
So I put Alden down, got a piece of paper and wrote out each offense, his side, my side. I honed in on Sunday mornings and wrote down what I know about Rory. He is dependable. He wants to do right by me. He works so hard for our family. He wants me to feel supported and does, in fact, support me in a hundred ways. I was hung up on the few instances that things didn't go according to plan.
Anyway. I called him up to the bedroom. I read out each situation and explained (in writing) how we were in that tricky season of no margin. If he says he'll be in at 5:00, I start watching the clock at 4:37. And 4:54. And 4:59. If he's a little late, I have grace for that. 5:03 is fine. 5:05 I can muster up understanding. 5:06 and I am done. I've had it. He's late. And I turn on a dime in that moment into a frustrated, resentful, tired, hungry woman who will now let this moment ruin the rest of the evening.
We talked about how little grace and understanding we have for each other. And we talked about needing a neutral time to bring up grievances.
And then it hit us. We need to bring back the Family Meeting. And what is crazy about that fact is that we created the Family Meeting, at this exact no-margin season when Ivar and Elsie were Hattie and Alden's ages. In fact, the issue at hand was the very issue we worked through four years ago in our marriage counseling!
So because of this schnazzy blog, which is basically my personal journal, I was able to look up the agenda that we had created to deal with these issues: menu planning, talking through the next week's calendar, lining up babysitters so we can get out once every two weeks. It was all there. We had some serious breakthrough four years ago. And now we were tapping into all of it again. And not only that, but we felt validated that this simply is a hairy season. But we have the history to know that it is, in fact, just a season.
I wanted to link back to that post in case you, too, are in a season that needs some family organization.
What a great blog!
Good stuff, joyfullybecca.com. Good stuff.
groves family christmas
It was another happy celebration with the Groves. This year had some new twists...family games and a time for family prayer. I was a fan. We did the Christmas Box which will always be a very favorite part of the entire Christmastime for me. I love that tradition.
We had two eating areas this year...the down stairs was lovely, and made for a fun place for Oma Zina and the cousins.
Alden was super chill, as always. My favorite parts of the day all have to do with Ivar. First, he opened his gift from Mimi and Papa and got Magic Tracks. He was overjoyed and so thrilled. Later when we gave our gifts to our secret stocking person, he was thrilled to finally reveal that he had Elsie's name. He worked on a card for her for days and days that said 'Elsie is pretty, smart, fun and a helper.' He also gave her a unicorn headband, and a lego set. Also, when Josie revealed that she had Ivar for her stocking person, he screamed a loud shrill. He was just so happy and excitable the whole day.Finally, he was the winner for the dice rolling/unwrap the present with mittens game. He won a $25 gift card to Walmart and could not contain his excitement. He said, "this is my year! I found the almond in the rice pudding at Grandma's and now this!!"
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