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harrington christmas

Here's my favorite picture from Christmas: The angel Gabrielle, complete with clip on earrings, surrounded by a multitude of heavenly pop cans. Did you know my dad and I have collected pop cans since I was in 3rd grade? We have most of their basement walls covered in our colorful collection. All of them are empty. And the funny part is that our family doesn't actually drink that much pop. But we're always on the lookout for new cans.
We had a great Christmas, eating, hanging out, sledding and taking darling pictures of my sister holding my babies. 
 We didn't have that much snow, but what we did have was like a sheet of ice. After a few runs, the ice broke up and the run was slower, but those first few times down this hill were crazy fast. Elsie actually hit a bush at the bottom of the hill, shot out of her sled into the bush, then back out onto the snow. I started running towards her, concerned if she was okay, but saw out the corner of my eye my sister's shoulders shaking. And I got the giggles. Thankfully Elsie was totally fine so that when I got to her we all got to laugh a long, hard, slapstick laugh.
Grandma gave Hattie a tea set and my dad did all of the dishes. Do you know he does this at every family gathering? He just stations himself by the sink until they're all done. Impressive.
And then Sonna got my camera again and I found all these pictures from unique perspectives. Like Mara and Alden upside down. It was a good family Christmas.

Best of 2017

2017 is a funny year in my mind. I honestly don't feel like we did too much out of routine, except birth a whole lot of new life. Which counts! But as far as our day in and day out life, we are pretty much in a family groove. 

New to this year is the fact that Rory and I wake up each day around 6:00 to pray together. This has become a saving grace for me. The joy of the Lord truly is my daily strength. It is a precious time of peace before the day begins with breakfast, chores, home educating, lunch, naps, quiet time, play time, trips to the library, playdates, lots of time outside, art class, gym class friends over, followed by dinner, church stuff, meetings and an early bedtime for all. 

Rory is very involved in the community as the chairman of the Women's Center in town that helps mother's during their pregnancy and after their baby has arrived. He serves on our police reserves, is an elder at our church and heads up our church safety ministry, overseeing the children's areas and ushers on Sunday mornings. And he runs the farm. And works a job to earn money. Ha! 

I lead our home school mom's support group in town and teach 3-6 year old Sunday school. I feed everyone three times a day, get the groceries and like to keep a tidy house. This year I have made big strides in my homemaking skills, something I have fought for a long time (turns out, you have to do it all anyway, whether you like it or not!) and have found a better attitude towards the daily mundane. It's still work, but on the whole, I'm way more content and positively grateful for this role I have each day with my kids in my home. 

I give you 2017, beginning last January and moving through the calendar year on the farm.

 **I've been doing these year end posts since 2011! I'm so amazed by that. Click here to see the years past...

Alden is 6 months old today!

Alden is an absolute joy, brightening our every day. A pure gift. He is half a year old today and just last week his two lower teeth popped up. This totally took me by surprise...I wasn't ready for him to grow up so quick! I could write and write, but Rory took these pictures last Saturday at my mom and dad's house and I think they sum him up quite well. He's happy to be here, happy to know you and happy to make you smile. Our joy boy.

preparing for Christmas

I got to teach Sunday School this week and the lesson was on David and Jonathan, how a friend loves at all times and a true friend helps us obey God. Elsie wanted to show all of her Santa Lucia stuff, so we talked about how Lucia was a friend by giving food and helping her friends obey God. And then we talked about Jesus, how God sent his son to be our friend, to show us how to obey God. It was such a good lesson and I felt so grateful for Christmas, for Jesus coming to dwell among us. I am so grateful for the Law that shows us how live out our days on paths of righteousness. And when we fall short, as we all do daily, Jesus in our hearts is our hope of glory. We need this little baby to light up our daily darkness.

The lesson for the 3-6 year olds set my heart in the right place and for that I am so grateful.

My folks were here yesterday and I used the time to lock myself in the laundry room to wrap gifts. I told them they just gave me hours of sleep that I definitely would have lost this weekend, wrapping late into the night. This is the most prepared I've ever been (earliest wrapping for sure) and it feels great.

Also, I have never once regretted buying toys at summer garage sales for Christmas. Every August I wonder, will they still be into this? And every December I think, "you're brilliant. And thrifty." On top of the garage sales, this year I held a Gift Swap at a homeschool meeting. Each mom brought gifts they'd gladly pass along. We put them all on two tables. Then we drew numbers and got to go through the line and pick a new-to-you toy/puzzle/game. I brought six items so I got to go through the line six times. And as a result I had SIX gifts I didn't pay a thing for!

Other things happening this month: Ivar and Rory are staying up each night and reading The Hobbit together. Ivar is so excited about this time with his dad and then I get animated retellings of each chapter the next day. While they are reading, Elsie hangs out with me in my bed. And our time is basically her saying over and over, "I'm so sorry mom, I know you're sleeping but..." and then she tells me important things like how Madi was late to her birthday party at the Mall of America because Madi had a neighbor who needed help, but Chase was there on time and they didn't drive together because Chase came from his work, but Madi had a lot of traffic on the road but she made it for everything and even gave her high heels..."

Elsie's party was back in July.

Most evenings we light our Advent candles for dinner and then turn off all the lights after the meal and sing Christmas carols. Sometimes it is peaceful and calm. Sometimes the whole running around and turning off all the lights is a little rowdy (and a good lesson in how many lights we have on in our house...). Some nights we sing four or five songs. Some nights one is enough. But I love this tradition so much. We have to be clear about who will blow out the candles each night and set expectations accordingly. But that time with my family in the glow of candlelight is magical. I love this season.

a gift idea!

I just saw this book and have meant to blog about it since August. If you have a 4-10 year old on your Christmas list, I cannot recommend this book enough! It is written by Julie Edwards...Julie Andrews Edwards, as in Mary Poppins and Maria VonTrapp. And as darling as Julie seems to be on screen, she seems to be just as darling in her writing.

We read this aloud this summer and could not put it down. The kids noticed I kept leaving at night with the book in hand and realized I was reading ahead. Busted. That was not okay with them. My mom babysat one night and read a chapter with them and said, "I'd like to borrow that book when you guys are done so I know how it ends."

It's a sweet tale of an orphan girl who finds a mysterious abandoned house and begins to clean it and tend the's sort of all of our dreams come true. Nothing is too stressful, some parts hold suspense and the whole thing is delightful.

Alright. I feel better knowing that I spread the word on this super sweet book. Here's the link to Amazon to buy it for your kids, grandkids or honestly, yourself. Totally yourself. (Different Cover...I think mine is from the original printing. But it's the same book. :)

...wait. did I already blog about this? There is a lot going on in my life. Sorry if this is a repeat!

a good question and a good answer

Ivar asked me just now, "Mom, why do we have finger nails?"

And I tried to answer about how it is helpful to have a little hard thing to get batteries out of things and for digging in the dirt.  But ultimately I told him, I have no idea.

Elsie buzzed in, "Mom! They're for polish!"

Alden's Baptism

The Sunday of Thanksgiving we woke up and went to Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, the church my parents started as a mission start back in 1981. I was the first baby baptized in this congregation, baptized by my dad. And here we were 36 years later, my dad baptizing my 4th baby. 
My parents and Ivar and Elsie stood up as his sponsors and it was really sweet. The next day I heard Elsie downstairs talking to Alden in the exosaucer. When I came around the corner she said proudly, "Mom, I just taught him the first seven commandments and what they mean." And she had. I had been hearing that but not piecing together that she was fulfilling the vows she had spoken the day before. Her falcetto voice was saying, "you shall not steal. Alden, you do not want to take anything that is not yours. Even if you find it on the ground. If it is not yours, you cannot take it."

I felt really convicted by how serious she was taking this responsibility. And I have since made a list of all the kids that I have stood as a sponsor for (I have 9!) and want to be speaking into their life, like Elsie is speaking into Alden's.
We had lunch and family pictures taken, worshipped in the big sanctuary and then went to Annika's for the afternoon and had taco's for dinner. This was our last day together of a whirlwind, wonderful three days. I would give anything to have my nieces and nephew around to babysit my children! We love them and miss them so much!