I started thinking about how cool it would be if I kept this thing up for another one thousand posts, and how technically, when I am sixty five, I could still be blogging. What an odd thought. Though I love having life documented like this and don't plan on stopping anytime soon.
Anyway, to commemorate my one thousandth post, I thought I would tip my hat to a few of my favorite blogs. These are the bloggers I look up to. These are the ones that inspire me to keep it up. I love the blogging community. Love being a part of others lives in this way.
For example,
Elise Blaha is one of my favorite bloggers. She is full of imagination and diy projects. She makes me feel like I can try and accomplish anything new. I love that feeling. I have never met her, she doesn't know me at all, and yet I squealed when she recently posted that she is pregnant with their first. That is the crazy-amazing thing about blogging. The strange closeness you feel to the blogger after following their life through pictures and stories. I personally love this.
Marta Dansie is another all time favorite. Marta is a stay-at-home mom and a graphic design artist. I read her blog long before Ivar was born and I so appreciate her happiness in being at home with her sons all day, her devotion to her husband and family and the way she paints homemaking in such a lovely light. I have learned a lot from her.
Hootenannie. Love this blog. She is so funny, so adventurous and so, so honest. Can't say enough good things. Read this post if you're looking to laugh out loud. Funny, funny stuff. This post gives a good feel too. I have never met Annie either, though just a few weeks ago I left a comment on her blog, she emailed and said she reads my blog and it turns out we have been following each others lives for years, while not knowing it. I adore her and her blog and was so flattered to think she reads this one!
The Forest Room is a blog that has actually transformed the way I see my future. I mean that. Sarah makes homeschooling look incredibly fun. And challenging. But so worthwhile. Her pictures are amazing, and the outdoor adventures she takes with her kids are inspiring. I may or may not home school one day (this feels far, far away) and we live in a great school district, but the creativity, imagination and intention she brings to her kids education makes me excited about teaching my kids, whether they go to public school or not.
Lisa Jo Baker. I am very new to this blog, but I can't get enough. Lisa has taken on the role of Cheerleader To The Mothers. She is a Christian who writes candidly about the hardships of motherhood, while shining a beautiful, encouraging light on how important and noble the call of the mom is. I feel understood when I read her blog. Like she's watched me in action and knows the parts of my duties that I struggle with. She's a good read.
And a quick word to you, faithful readers: I want to thank you for stopping by this blog so often. Truth be told, I would write on this blog if it was just my mom and sister reading (they had better read!) but it is so super fun to have such a great group of people reading what I write. I have always seen my life in stories, but since starting this blog Rory will often beat me to the punch saying, "oh, get a picture. this should go on the blog."
Here's to many more pictures and stories. Thanks for reading.