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Alden's Baptism

The Sunday of Thanksgiving we woke up and went to Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, the church my parents started as a mission start back in 1981. I was the first baby baptized in this congregation, baptized by my dad. And here we were 36 years later, my dad baptizing my 4th baby. 
My parents and Ivar and Elsie stood up as his sponsors and it was really sweet. The next day I heard Elsie downstairs talking to Alden in the exosaucer. When I came around the corner she said proudly, "Mom, I just taught him the first seven commandments and what they mean." And she had. I had been hearing that but not piecing together that she was fulfilling the vows she had spoken the day before. Her falcetto voice was saying, "you shall not steal. Alden, you do not want to take anything that is not yours. Even if you find it on the ground. If it is not yours, you cannot take it."

I felt really convicted by how serious she was taking this responsibility. And I have since made a list of all the kids that I have stood as a sponsor for (I have 9!) and want to be speaking into their life, like Elsie is speaking into Alden's.
We had lunch and family pictures taken, worshipped in the big sanctuary and then went to Annika's for the afternoon and had taco's for dinner. This was our last day together of a whirlwind, wonderful three days. I would give anything to have my nieces and nephew around to babysit my children! We love them and miss them so much!

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