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summer worship

This spring Rory and I took turns going up to the barn for quiet time. When I was up there I would read my Bible and pray. It was a really incredible time when God's Word was coming to life in all sorts of ways. (It always does, by the way, we just need to be committed to opening up the book and listening to what he is saying!)

Each day I found a new scripture and wrote it on the dry wall. For a week straight every scripture I found had something to do with trees planted and bearing fruit. It was really amazing. God was speaking and I was hearing him. 

When I went up there I would look on the walls to see what Rory had written on the walls early that morning. In a really sweet way it was sort of like leaving love notes for each other. It felt intimate to read what God had been pouring into him earlier that day.

As a result of those weeks of prayer Rory felt we should hold a Sunday night time of worship throughout the summer.  And even though I was super duper pregnant and about to add a newborn to the mix, I was totally on board. I think because the Lord had been speaking to me, too. It felt like a natural outpouring from our own times of prayer.
We started the first Sunday of June and had no agenda other than: 1) Sing and Worship 2) Pray 3) Pray for Healing 4) Seek the Spiritual Gifts. Rory and I never planned a thing. We walked out to the barn with everyone else and had no notion of how we would fill the next hour. It was truly the body being the body. If anyone had a song, or a word or a scripture or a prayer request or a testimony they could share it whenever they wanted. Our only parameters were that we began right at 7 and ended right at 8 for bedtimes.
My friend Lacy took these pictures from our last night of Worship which was on Sunday night. Every week the mix of people was different, with a few faithfuls who came every week all summer long. But as you can see in these pictures, we were overflowing with kids! This last night there were 18 kids under 8! and only 20 adults. That is a wild ratio. And great for a joyful noise. And this last night was our only night all summer when it rained a bit. Which is really loud and fun up in that metal barn!
And as God faithfully does, he gave us a really good gift this summer. My kids loved having it each Sunday night and I felt a special joy that they took such ownership in the evening, just like I felt such ownership in my church growing up. Sometimes they colored on the walls, this last time there was play dough. Sometimes they sat and sang with us. But the best part was always Sunday night after they were put to bed and we'd hear them singing the songs we sang earlier that night. There is a special joy in passing on the faith. There is nothing quite like hearing praises come out of  your little one's mouths.


Nancy Holte said...

What an amazing idea and memory for your kids! I love it!

Marlene said...

We always loved Sunday nights growing up! Your husband did, too!
Wonderful experience for all of you!