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north house folk school

Last fall we had our friends David and Jenny over and they told us all about a folk school up in Grand Marais. They showed us the webpage and we got on their mailing list and started reading about all of the courses they offer. The variety of workshops was astonishing and really inspiring.

So this past Wednesday, Rory loaded up his truck to head up for four days to North House Folk School to take a course on blacksmithing. He got a camp site that was walking distance to the folk school and right on Lake Superior. And then he was taught how to heat and hammer metal into useful things. (That's his classroom up above.)
I was so excited for him to go. He was so excited to get to go. And based on pictures he sent to my phone, texts and late night conversations, he really enjoyed the entire experience. He got home at 11:30 Saturday night and we stayed up talking and he showed me everything he made. Then tonight we had a family slide show, showing us the campus, the station where he worked most of the time, and a few of the other classes and projects in progress while he was there.

There are so many workshops offered throughout the year and now we're trying to figure out if there is anything we can go back and learn together before baby comes. The North Shore is my favorite destination and I'm so thrilled to have one more awesome reason to make the drive up to that beautiful part of Minnesota.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Becca, I just happened to stumble back onto your blog today and came across the north house post - I love that place, thanks for writing about it. Thought you guys might enjoy this one, too: