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chili snow fort

I wrote about this on facebook and got lots of fun comments. And since all of our snow is melting into snowman snow I thought I'd tell this story on the blog. Because I can think of many, many friends who need to make this happen in their own lives.

When I was little we had a candlelight winter picnic with our next door neighbors. Jennifer, Betsy and I made an awesome snow fort surrounding the picnic table. We rolled big snow balls, stacked them four feet high, packed them into walls and placed candles on the top of the fort. Then our two families met at the snow fort in the dark for chili, hot chocolate and corn bread. My mom put a tablecloth down, we lit the candles and ate our supper sitting at the picnic table in snowpants, boots and mittens under the big dark sky.

It is one of my all-time favorite memories. A true picture of sweet friends, good food and creative parenting. And for me, it raises the bar for memory making. This memory didn't cost a whole lot. It didn't even require a ton of planning...but it took two mom's who had an eye for fun and creativity. Those are the eyes I want to have in my own mothering.

The real joy is that now we're trying to plan a remake. To get the crew pictured above out to the grovestead for more chili in a big snow fort. Wouldn't that be so awesome?!!

I ended my facebook post with this charge: So go. Roll that snow. Make that chili. Call up your neighbors. And make Minnesota proud! Because I think chili snow forts need to be as common to winter as hot chocolate.

1 comment:

sarah in the woods said...

Wow! That actually makes me want snow!