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i love samoa creamer

I just googled how to spell Samoa...and apparently these little cookies are now called Caramel Delights. And for some reason I took offense at that. Maybe because I went door to door peddling these cookies for many March's of my childhood.

Anyhoo. This stuff. It is my happy juice. I don't drink coffee in the morning, I wait until I need it most. Which can be any time between 1:00 and 3:00. If the kids nap, I save it for when they wake up. If the kids don't nap, I listen to them cry in the monitor until I have made (and drank) my happy juice. I consider this practice a healthy boundary.

I have never been a coffee drinker. Not through college, not after. But little kids sort of necessitate a caffeine hit. I know many get stuck on the stuff and later try to get off of it. But most of those people are in the 40's. So I've decided I'll try to kick the caffeine in my 40's too.

This non-dairy-what-is-it-then creamer is yummy. So yummy that a few weeks ago when I met my friend Erika (one of my bridesmaids, now living out east) who I haven't seen in forever at Starbucks, I brought my 2 Tablespoons of creamer in a little tupperware. It took me about twenty minutes of catch up to finally dig in my purse and tell her, "I love this stuff. Don't think I'm strange that I brought my own creamer to starbucks."


Kevin said...

I like your theme this month! I think I may just borrow the idea over on fb just as a pick-me-up for a rather dreary month of the year. It's a great reminder to count one's blessings and not just the blessings that you know you should be thankful for when they're not so easy to embrace. These are the obvious things you don't even have to think twice about, right? Thanks, Becca.

Becca Groves said...

Elsa, I feel the same way. I was going to just do this for a week, but I'm loving this project: to look for the little things that really do brighten my day. I'm excited to see what you post on facebook. :)

Kevin said...

I ended up doing a photo challenge which is adding a joy factor of its own. I look forward to reading more of your posts! Hugs! ~Elsa

this is our story said...

Truly the best addition to coffee that could possible exist.