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Loving the Little Years

It's hard to find public role models in the stay-at-home world because if someone has written a book or has a platform like a money-earning blog, it means they're not solely a stay-at-home mom. They're doing something external to their mothering that would satisfy that nagging voice always inside a stay-at-home's head, "should I be doing something more?"

This little voice is the greatest challenge I have found as a stay-at-home mom. It's always asking, should I be working? am I supposed to be contributing to the world in a more meaningful way? I'll wonder these thoughts over and over and finally come to the end of myself and ask, can I stop worrying about all of these wonders and just be content where I am at for this split-second-season when they're tiny and at home?

Those wonders linger over everything. And because everyone walks through their season of motherhood differently, it's hard not to compare with how other mom's are walking this road. And wonder.

I checked out a whole stack of books from the library on mothering and stay-at-home mothering this summer. I read a lot. Some of it helpful, some of it not.  But this book, pictured above, is by far my favorite mothering book. The subtitle is Motherhood in the Trenches and it feels that way from start to finish. There is something candid and endearing in how the author writes (it's not masterful writing, but it's so honest) that you really believe she is in the trenches with you.

When I checked out this book from our library it had greasy and sticky residue all over it. I had to give it a special warm washcloth bath before I started reading it. Some mom before me had returned this book after her little one had smeared oily crud all over it.

That, is motherhood in the trenches.

Loving the Little Years is a short read, full of little stories and helpful attitude shifts that helped me refocus my days. It will be the book that I give to new mom's and especially the one I recommend when they're starting to feel the toll of being a mother.


Unknown said...

Who knows what God will call you to next week or next year, but please know that this time at home with your precious little ones and your family is the most meaningful and significant thing you are doing. I treasure my stay-at-home years just as much as I treasure my part-time job years that God clearly called me to. Now that I have two whole days off a week (!!!!) I am loving those days of focusing just on mothering and my home so much. Mothering is the most significant thing. And God is clear when he calls. If he wants you to do something along with mothering, He will let you know, and He will give you great joy in it! But it will not be because He feels you are not doing enough, now. He will call because He sees you are willing to answer!

this is our story said...

I am for sure checking the book out!! Thanks for this.

this is our story said...

I am for sure checking the book out!! Thanks for this.