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the chickens are outside!

Elsie delights in the chickens. They make her laugh, they hold her attention and basically we can set her near them and they serve as six little babysitters, scurrying about to keep her content.

The thing that surprises me most about the chickens is how pet-like they are. If they hear my voice, all six come running to me what are you up to? oh you're going over here. we'll come too. so you're painting the trim on the shed. alright. oh careful not to step on us. here, we'll just stand on your feet while you paint. it looks real nice. we like you. a lot. glad you came outside again. 

They are much more like mammals than birds, in this way. And I can see how people can quickly become crazy chicken ladies. I believe I am well on my way.


margaret harrington said...

Love seeing Elsie with them wearing your little farm shirt! You loved the farm( your aunt Louie's and Aunt Annie's) just as much as Elsie does!

Anonymous said...

Little babysitters! How cute!
I SERIOUSLY need sone chicken time at your place!

April Dietz said...

So cute! The kiddos are getting so big!
Chickens arent always nice, keep a watch. My first stitches were from a chicken when I was almost 3, I have a scar in my eyebrow, I was just sitting in the grass near them.
But the farm is awesome that your kids get to grow up there! I wouldnt change that for the world.

April Dietz said...

So cute! The kiddos are getting so big!
Chickens arent always nice, keep a watch. My first stitches were from a chicken when I was almost 3, I have a scar in my eyebrow, I was just sitting in the grass near them.
But the farm is awesome that your kids get to grow up there! I wouldnt change that for the world.

Becca Groves said...

Oh April,
Thanks for sharing this! They actually are now in a fence and the kids don't go in there, but this is good to know.

I got a scratch on my leg when I picked on up once. It's still there!