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big and ready

Today as I was stepping into the car on our way to church, the slit in the back of my jean skirt ripped all the way up to my undies. I yelped, said, "Oh my goodness!" and reached back to see how far it had ripped.

Rory freaked out.

Rory: "What?!! What?!! What's wrong?"

Becca: "My skirt just ripped. Look at this!"
(we met behind the car) Can I still wear it?"

Rory: "No. You definitely have to change. But you cannot yell an exclamation and grab between your legs. I thought your water had broken. If you're going to yell you have to yell what exactly you are yelling about. Immediately."

Ha! He thought I was going into labor. We're both feeling quite ready.


sarah in the woods said...

ha ha! "yell what exactly you are yelling about. Immediately." that's funny.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, that is so funny. It was good seeing you in church on Sunday, wish we could have chatted.

Amanda Rae Miller said...

HAHA, oh make me laugh out loud!

Amanda Rae Miller said...

HAHA, oh make me laugh out loud!