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free ice cream!

It is days like today when I know why Rory is the one who works from home and I am the stay at home mom. I asked him this afternoon if he'd like to come along for a free ice cream cone and he obediently declined saying he needed to work. Man, to be your own boss. I don't know if I could do it. But me? I busted over to Ben and Jerry's with Ivar like it was my job. Because it sort of is.
This was Ivar's first ice cream cone and he did not understand the concept one bit. He wouldn't hold the cone, he grabbed at the ice cream and when I put it to his lips he was offended by how cold it was. So guess who got TWO free ice cream cones?!! Hooray for free cone day!

Thanks to my former youth director, Dawn and her blog for the heads up on Free Cone Day! You can click here to find your nearest Ben and Jerry's. The deal goes until 8 pm tonight. And the lines weren't one pays and everyone is getting a single scoop. The trickiest part is deciding what flavor to get!


Rory said...

It *is* your job.. and yours is the most important!

Dawn said...

You're welcome! I'm glad that you got TWO free ice cream cones!