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diy cell phone thingy

While at the home organization night at church, I was introduced to the contraption they now sell to hold your cell phone while charging so that phone and cord don't have to rest on your counter top. I loved it. And then I was tipped off to the diy tutorials out there for making your own.

So I took a stab.

It's handy. I like it a lot for how it functions. It's made out of a baby shampoo bottle that we just happened to finish off this week. I hung it on some hooks above the outlet because I hope to make one for Rory's phone too, and this way they'll both fit up there.

I don't like how the fabric I used turned all dirty looking with the modge podge. And I really wish I had followed the directions on the tutorial. I took some creative liberty to use random pieces of fabric and that's great, but I'll probably go back and make another with just one fabric, a brighter pattern and no fabric on the inside.

However, one addition I did make that I find to be genius was cutting a hole in the side where the cord can sneak in. I twistie tied up the cord and smooshed it in the bottom. This hides the cord inside the holder so the cord is hidden all the time.


Lisa Groves said...

It looks so cute!!! Can't wait to see what Rory's will look like. Good Job!

Audrey Thomas said...

Love your diy charging station. Way to go! We'd probably have a lot of fun in each other's homes, comparing notes. :)