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mom and ivar's big adventure

Ivar and I are teaming up to enjoy a 3 1/2 hour flight to Mesa, Arizona today. You should probably pray for us. I am trying to psych myself up a bit. I put together a bag of tricks and even packed a few treat bags and ear plugs for the poor people who booked the seats on each side of us. Ivar and I are going to be kicking it together in a middle seat. Sounds awesome, doesn't it?!!

My bag of tricks contains mostly food, an old alarm clock, a weigh watchers points plus calculator, the trusty cell phone, a mini magnadoodle and a red ball with a jingle bell inside. Think it's going to last 3 1/2 hours? I don't either. But it might help us through some hard moments. Here's to hoping for a happy baby, or a sleepy baby or a calm baby, or just nice people on our right and on our left.

Mom made this sweet valentine and sent it last week. Cause we're leaving on a jet plane!


Nancy Holte said...

Have a great time! It's so sweet of you to bring the earplugs. The people around you will appreciate that you thought of them and that will take the edginess off of anyone's attitude. :) I'm sure Ivar will do great. I'll await a report.

Renee said...

maybe the person in the aisle will be willing to trade seats with you :) Lil and I are taking the bus to Chicago at the end of 8 hour trip, two seats thankfully. Thanks for sharing your bag of tricks.

this is our story said...

good work! the most random collection of things and i hope it worked for ivar! i bet he did great. i hope you felt ok too. :)