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20 weeks!

This pregnancy has been covered in a cloud of sickness. And I'm so sick of it! I am sick of my pre-recorded answer that replays out of my mouth every time someone asks, "how are you feeling?" I am sick of my own voice. I am sick of saying, "well, I'm still on the zophran, and the moment I stop taking it I end up hovering over the toilet again. bla bla bla."

I think I'm so tired of this conversation because I am realizing I am actually choosing what to dwell on. It is my choice. I decide what words to say, and I'm bored of myself.

To be fair, there were really, super low moments when I had to tell people. I had to let people know just how sick I was feeling because I just needed people to know I was in that dark of a valley. But things have gotten better, my energy has been up, I feel kicks all the time and though I still have to take this sweet miracle pill called zophran, there is JOY TO BE HAD! We are having another baby! And my belly is stretching like all get out. I have had the round ligament pain again, and uffda that is a feeling like no other. But it's all signs that my body is doing what it's supposed to.

And so with the next 20 weeks, I am choosing to play a new record. This record is going to tell about the excitement and wonder of it all, the joy and anticipation, my awesome cravings for brucetta, using a hair tie to make my pre-baby pants stretch another week or two, and the sloppy raspberry kisses Ivar gives to the baby (via my soft belly). So far these kisses always end with the three of us in a pile of laughter and tears. They are so sloppy, wet and loud.

So baby #2, welcome! We are thrilled you are coming.

Next week we have our ultrasound...because I was confused as to what week I was when I scheduled the appointment, we have to wait an extra week!

Here's a pic of me at 20 weeks with Ivar :)


Marisa said...

Hang in there Becca!
I was sick until about 22 weeks with my 2nd!Then I started to feel like a noraml human again! Watch out the next 20 weeks are going to fly! Hope you get to enjoy the pregnancy a little more over the next coming months!

Stephanie said...

Oh, Becca! I don't think Mat mentioned how sick you were- he pointed me over here. Zofran really is amazing. Are you guys finding out? I know your clan typically does not(and ordinarily I don't have an opinion about what other people should and should not look at on an ultrasound!), but we found out in large part because I was so sick. It was really helpful to be able to more concretely picture the point of all the sickness. Though perhaps you are getting through by imagining a similar delivery room reveal as with Ivar. Stay hydrated!

sarah in the woods said...

Sorry to hear you've been so sick. You have a really cute belly, though. :)

Becca Groves said...

Well, I truly meant for this post to be the end of all of my sickness talk! :) Marisa, I can make it to 22 weeks! Stephanie, I hear you on wanting to find out sort of to compensate for the sickies. We're still going to wait, but I am more curious with this one than with Ivar...

Jamie Willow said...

yeah, I was sick for 20 months...both my boys tried to take me out. I feel ya. just be honest. don't worry about how it comes's your life and your experience...and (thank God almighty) it's temporary. ha.

I don't know if they called it Hyperemesis or not, but that's what I had...a great resource, even if it's a mild case is so many ideas and support for the continual sickness that affects mind, body and spirit.

I really really hope you can have some relief.

where the hart is said...

I am so glad you posted a picture, I've been waiting. ;) How cute are you? (again!) Hope you start to feel yourself again really soon! Until then, I'm glad you have Ivar to make you smile and the life growing inside of you to keep you in awe.