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the nuts and bolts of my Kitchen Table

Within the last week, I have had a meal on the table six out of the seven nights. One of those nights Rory put the food on, and another night I was too sick to make anything and getting myself to the table wasn’t really an option.

I’d say a really solid start.

After a week I have a few plans that I hope to stick by:
1. Meal is on the table by 5. This is so early, I know. And yet we eat lunch around 11 at this house and by five there are three hungry bellies to be filled. We started out at 5:30, but Ivar wouldn’t have it. So we moved up our suppertime.

2. I keep my laptop off of the table now. The kitchen table is no longer able to be the catch-all place. I try to keep it relatively clear throughout the day. This helps when it's time to set it and fill it with food.

3. The meal doesn’t have to be homemade. Hopefully one thing on the table is, but there just needs to be a meal on the plate. That’s the goal. The night Rory cooked we had sausage, eggos and strawberry's. It was very nice.

4. Coborn’s Delivers. More on this another time, but let me tell you, I adore this service. After a terrible experience involving me and Cub and a gagging spell and hitting a wall of exhaustion so hard I thought I’d curl up under my cart in the cereal aisle, I decided to look into this grocery delivery service. We’ve had four deliveries so far and all I can say is that it still feels too good to be true.

5. My four week meal menu. I have had so many people contact me with great meal planning ideas, great recipe websites, even their own excel spreadsheets (thanks Marie!). I find much comfort knowing that lots of others need a system for meal prep too. I listed out all of the meals our family enjoys and set up a weekly calendar with a food-type for each day the week. So far, week one was a complete success. We're now on to week two. I'm not strict about what we eat each day, but this calendar is so helpful as a place to start! (On a few days I use the slash to list two different options, one that might take more time along with an easier option.)

So that’s the plan. I’m sure I’ll modify it as we go along, but until then, I’m so happy to be feeding my family!


margaret harrington said...

Love your ideas..especialy the fourth Friday of the month! It made me smile:)

Jamie Willow said...

please keep sharing, I need some serious help in the ideas for meals category. This is a great chart. I'm gonna steal it...I do pretty good at planning and making meals when Lance is home but I'm horrid at cooking a meal for just me. And Judah only eats hotdogs so it's not like it matters for him. It's a strange rhythm only cooking a couple nights in a row and then not cooking for several. I need to find a groove.

there are no grocery delivery services here that I can find, but Harris Teeter has it where you can order your groceries online and then pick them up at the kind of the same thing, just requiring you to make the trip out. I want to do it, but I'm having a hard time putting my shopping list together. could be baby brain though ;) lol

[not the] Best Blog Ever said...

I love that the church cookbook and casseroles are considered ethnic! :)