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advent and preparation

We have a tree up with beautiful white lights on it. And I have a fisher price nativity set my mom gave us a few years ago that Ivar likes to play with (and by play, I mean throw the shepherds and wisemen around). But other than that, I haven't put up one single decoration. Oh, except the barn to a nativity set that I brought upstairs a few weeks ago...but I haven't unpacked any boxes to find the people, so it's just a barn. No peeps in the stable.

I just don't have it in me this year. I'm tired. I'm queasy and I sort of don't think I can handle adding more clutter to our stuff. As it stands our house is strewn with brightly colored toys and tupperware and it already feels full. More decorations just seems like it would be too much.

In an effort to comfort myself, to give permission to this years lack of tradition-making, I have been on a quest for fun advent ideas. And I found this post and wanted to link to it so that next year, when I'm feeling spry and energized, I can be the supermom I know I can be. Just not this year.

So check out this link of fun ideas for the 25 days leading up to Christmas. She has great ideas for family outings, special nights at home, service projects for others and then writes about that super fun idea of wrapping up all of the Christmas books at the beginning of the month and then letting your kids unwrap one book a night all throughout December and reading it before bed. I love this idea.


Emily said...

Hey Becca-

Here is a great link for another advent calendar. Some super fun ideas that keep in focus that Jesus is the reason we celebrate Christmas.
I know you won't be doing it this year but thought it would be fun for you to see.

sarah in the woods said...

This year, I pretty much just said, "If you want to do it, go for it." And I sat back and watched as Jeremiah and the kids decorated. It was quite amusing. :)
Next year, I'll be more involved . . .

Becca Groves said...

Emily, thanks so much for this link. It looks great.

And Sarah, here's to being pregnant at Christmastime! Rory brought up the decorations tonight and then Ivar started chewing on one of Aunt Jan's swedish ornaments and was quickly covered in red dye. Whoops.

Becca Groves said...

I just spent a long time on that link you mentioned. It's a really helpful, great site. Thank you so, so much for passing it my way.

Renee said...

Thanks for sharing the links. This Thanksgiving my mom and I made 25 fabric bags to start the Christmas books tradition. They turned out super cute and will hopefully be a cherished family tradition. I like that I won't have to paper wrap the books and my mom noted that if I don't have time to paper wrap gifts near Christmas, I can then reuse the bags for actual gifts :). I know your mom sews...might be something to put on a gift list this year. BTW, let's pick a date and get together in January!

Jamie Willow said...

My sister decorated my house for Christmas...if she hadn't done it, it wouldn't have gotten done.
It's ok not to do it and let others bring the Christmas cheer...

Jeff Braun said...

Hi, Becca,
It's Jeff Braun, Molly's (Serr) husband. (There's got to be a clearer way to write that, but I'm guessing you know the connection.) Anyway, Dan Pitts just told me about his chat with Rory. I'm glad to find your blog. If you ever have any questions about the book biz, I'm glad to help.