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rory's birthday

We celebrated Rory's birthday this weekend. It was fun and I made it a big deal. And in full disclosure, I made it a big deal because I was using his birthday as a teaching tool. For him. For me. Completely for me, really. And he knew it. He called me on it in the middle of the day, "are you trying to show me how you'd like your birthday celebrated?" Well yes, yes I am.

We were in California for my birthday this year and it was nothing short of phenomenal. Because of my friend Shannon. Shannon went above and beyond for my birthday. The day began with a hot homemade breakfast, receiving a collection of good magazines and books to enjoy throughout the day, 30 balloons delivered to the door (!!!), time for a nap, a 90-minute massage (!!!), and dinner out at a great restaurant. She killed it. It was all Shannon. She commented to me during the day that she believed women have to do this for each other...that we should actually have a girlfriend on our birthday who makes our dreams come true. I have a feeling she was using my birthday as a teaching tool for her husband too.

Rory didn't get me anything for my birthday. Or a card. (He would argue "a trip to California!") And then our six year anniversary came along and neither of us got anything for the other, not even cards. We ate at Noodles that night because the wait was too long at the restaurant we had chosen and wrapped up the evening taking in the Eastview marching band at their Homecoming game. (it seemed more romantic in my head...cuddled under a blanket, taking in a fall football game. Instead I just ran into a whole lot of kids I used to babysit...)

So we're working on this. My work included making sure this year Rory had the best birthday of his life.

Here's how the day went down:
1. While in the shower, spouse makes you coffee and places a large surprise gift in the middle of the living room floor.
2. You open your gift while drinking your hot brew. What? A nail gun and air compressor? I never even asked for this, and I love it. This is the perfect gift for me right now.
3. Breakfast at Original Pancake House with Ivar and your dad. (I had nothing to do with lining this up, but I like it. You should always try to see your folks on your birthday.)
3. Home to work for the morning, walk down to your desk and find 40 framed pictures of your baby boy all over your desk. You remember having said months ago, "you know what I would love? just tons of pictures of Ivar in my office. I think it would make me so happy."
4. Trip to the Zoo. Meet up with Father-in-law and nieces. Share a spirited conversation.
5. Drop off Ivar with Grandma and Grandpa Harrington for the night.
6. Head to new restaurant in Uptown: Muddy Waters. Take your time getting there, drive down Minihaha Parkway.
7. Visit Sugar, Sugar buying and sampling  lots of fancy candy treats for the movies ahead.
8. Drive to The Riverview Theatre and watch Planet of the Apes while stuffing yourselves with candy and popcorn.
9. Stay for the next movie, Crazy Stupid Love. Because you can. Because tickets are just $3 a piece. Because your baby is with grandma and grandpa and this is the first movie you've seen together in nearly a year.
10. Head home for more surprises.

And that, my friends, is one way to celebrate a birthday. And here it is posted in 10 easy steps forever on the internet to serve as a sweet little reference for future birthdays. Like my 31st. Which will be here before you know it.

The next night we had my cousin Kathy over for Rory's Harvest Feast. It was delicous. I made butternut squash soup, Kathy brought an incredible salad and we had a rosemary roast chicken and all of the vegetables from the garden. Happy Birthday, Rory. It is easy to celebrate you.


Nancy Holte said...

Seriously, you crack me up! Hope that "teaching time" works out for you. I've tried it to no avail. :) I did, however, start insisting that we go away for our anniversary and make it a big deal every year. It only took me 35 years to come up with that idea.

[not the] Best Blog Ever said...

Haha, awesome! And - I love your honesty. Sometimes those boys, though wonderful in many ways, need a little help. :)

I also LOVE the Riverview. Used to go there quite a bit when I lived up in that 'hood. Great times.

Glad you and Rordog enjoyed a great bday weekend!

brittany said...

Happy Birthday Rory! And I LOVE this list. In fact, I'm passing it along RIGHT NOW!
It was fun getting to see you in San Fran.. and I can't believe that was a year ago!!