Becca Groves Header
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you have to admit... is really pretty. I just took these at my next door neighbor's house. So lovely, Alison!


Rene said...

This might be pretty in early March. But on April 20 - not so much! I decided today's snow could be have a theological significance so close to Easter. Jesus' death on the cross for my sins makes me as white as snow - free from the blackness of my own sin, to live my life for Jesus. This is the best I can come up with for snowfall on April 20.

Becca Groves said...

Rene! This makes me laugh. Thanks for a great attempt of making lemonade out of our snowfall today. I would say you succeeded.

Nancy Holte said...

These are my favorite flowers! I had them in my front yard but when we relandscaped last year they hitch-hiked all over the yard. So, everywhere they are coming up is a surprise. I've never seen them with this much snow around them. Stunning!