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Exponential Improvement

I have a friend who had a baby recently and I shared this story with her in an email as a bit of mama-encouragment that life will get a bit more "normal" with time...

Ivar got his four month shots today and I was in awe at my improved state of wellness since the last time we were there. I remember for his two week check up I could hardly make it to the check in counter. Rory was holding everything and I hobbled to the elevator slow as molasses. Then for the two month check up, Rory still held the carrier and diaper bag as I made my way to the elevator at his same pace. But I was exhausted that day. And so happy to have him there.

But today, Rory and I met at the clinic. I got there first and I carried Ivar and his many props in, took the stairs even, and couldn't believe the exponential improvement I have experienced since this little boy was born. I wouldn't have believed it at month one or even at month two, but it’s like my energy has doubled each month since having Ivar. I still need naps occasionally, and I still wonder what it might be like to get an uninterrupted night’s sleep in, but on the whole? Well, I actually think I’m going to make it!


sarah in the woods said...

Reminds me of when I took Miah to her very first appt. I didn't realize it until we got home, but I had put her little outfit on backwards! Things have definitely improved!

Marlene said...

And Ivar looks like he's making it, too!!

Jamie Willow said...

I remember the 4 mo mark so well with Judah...that was when he started sleeping 4 hour stretches instead of 2 hr...I was a new woman.

So glad you are loving life!

brittany said...

This post craked me up! I was journeying around your blog reading about Elsie at 5 and 6 months (which is how old mica is now) when I came across this gem... people REALLY don't talk about this stuff enough! I didn't even go to Mica's two week appointment as I could barely walk from the couch to the bathroom in my own house! Now at 5.5 months... life is less overwhelming (which, by the way, is the perfect word for life up to this point with a new baby). Thanks for blogging about this!