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father wisdom from Troy Groves

I remember when I worked with Sara and Troy, there were lots of mornings when I'd arrive to their house, let myself in and find Troy laying on his belly in the unfishished dining room looking at baby Toby. I'd usually go and find a bowl of cereal or something to do, but I remember this happening consistently. Just quiet coos coming from the dining room and a happy dad, loving his little baby intensly.

Troy is a fun-loving dad and seems to be really intentional about setting up experiences for his kids. He'll often take one kid on a special outing: to the rodeo, to various concerts and lots of twins games, purposefully setting up quality time like that.

I give you, Troy Groves

1. How would you describe your style as a dad?
Overprotective, meddling,

2. What resources or who in your life was/is the most helpful in giving sound parenting advice?
My kids have given me the best parenting advice. They advise me all day long.

3. Was there a specific part of being a dad that challenged you and your confidence in being a cut out for this?
The specific part was when my wife told me she was pregnant and I realized I don't know what I'm doing and that could cause great harm to another human being.

4. What is your favorite part of being a dad?
When the whole family is hanging out together, out and about.

5. Do you have a favorite story or quote from one of your kids?
"I didn't get as much tears as last time" -Toby Groves after returning to take on the Splatosphere ride at the MOA amusement park

6. If you were to go back, and start your season of parenting all over again, what would you tell yourself?
Cancel your DirecTV subscription a lot sooner

7. Any words of advice or thoughts you want to pass along to Rory?
Since you were so much younger than me I kind of feel like I raised you to be who you are. I don't like to toot my own horn but if I don't, who's gonna?