I remember there was a period in Rory and my dating that we probably were going to break up. At least, I thought we needed to take some time apart, and I needed to figure out if this was the guy I was really going to spend my life with. But you know what? I couldn't do it to Marlene. I knew if I broke up with Rory we would end up getting back together again (I know...don't look for the logic) But I didn't want Marlene to think I was a flake.
She loves her boys with an unending love and devotion and has some fantastic words to share. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, Marlene.
First of all, I was born to be a Mom! My greatest joy in life was raising those children! It's been a long time now, though, and my 3 sons have grown into wonderful young men!! My style? Madison says it was "attentive". I would say I tried to be "fair, firm and friendly". (A lot of FIRM with 3 boys!). And, "consistency, consistency, consistency"!
What resources or who in your life was the most helpful in giving sound parenting advice?
Madison, my husband, was my first and best resource. We were very much in agreement in how to train, discipline and guide our children as they grew which, I believe, is a huge factor in child rearing. Our priority was that they grow up to serve the Lord. Everything else was less important than that. There were several excellent Christian books that I used - Bringing Up Boys, Hide Or Seek and The Strong Willed Child were favorites.
Was there a specific part of mothering that challenged you and your confidence in being a mom?
BOYS were my challenge! I never expected to have boys! And, I loved every stage of their lives as they grew up!!
Today my favorite part of being a mother is seeing my sons as responsible young men, married, having careers, contributing to society and actively leading their families spiritually as they model loving and living for the Lord.
Do you have a favorite story or quote from one of your kids?
One favorite story?? You're kidding, right?!
If you were to go back, and start your season of mothering all over again, what would you tell yourself?
If I were to start my season of mothering over again I would still do as my Mom told me many years ago, "You only get one chance to raise your children so do your very best. You don't want to have regrets."
Anything else you would tell a first time, soon-to-be mom?
What would I tell you? Probably what everyone else says, Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy! It goes by so quickly!
I love that mom groves! Her best line :Our priority was that they grow up to serve the Lord. Everything else was less important than that.
That needs to be a magnet on everyones fridge.
Thanks mom for raising an incredible son who loves the Lord, Loves Me, loves our kids and LOVES HAWAII!!!:)
I like your word "attentive". So needed for children (0f all ages!) I'm so glad Becca has you in her life and that you will be there for them as they start parenting their own children!
Very nice! Good stuff... And even as the mom of just one boy, I think I need to go read those books. :)
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