There were a few girls that came to this reunion looking like they really thought through their outfits. (Heidi and I thought through our outfits, but just didn't look so obviously like we had.) There was a very slinky sexy outfit in the room that didn't quite fit in, complete with very shiny thigh high boots with a very short black skirt. There was another girl who was exposing much of her breasts, so much so that I had trouble holding conversations when she was in eye shot because it was just that much boob. But obviously, their trying hard worked...since I'm still talking about them.
Overall, I wouldn't miss another reunion. I had a blast, loved catching up with friends (especially the ones I went to elementary school with) and really enjoyed hearing what people are up to and what makes them happy.
LOL... "because it was just that much boob."
Love you!
Oh Bec I love you! I don't think our reunion weekend could have been much better-I loved every minute of it! God is so good-I feel so very blessed to have you and can't wait until our next reunion!
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